A Surprised Woman Working Overtime

I’m a regular reader of Lotsa ‘Splainin’ 2 Do, celebrated blog of the illustrious Matty Boy.

One of his entertaining recurring features is They Wouldn’t Believe Me&trade.

The last several times he’s published this feature he’s used a graphically striking picture of a surprised woman against a yellow background:

For lunch today I grabbed something from my company’s cafeteria to bring back to my desk. As I was waiting to get my food, I glanced around and saw some “health” pamphlets arranged against a wall. One pamphlet immediately drew my attention. I had to pick it up and take it home:

I tell you, some of my most cherished moments in life are seeing things like this. There’s some stock photo of a surprised woman floating around, which a health pamphleteer took and shoved an enormous image of food in front of. This is golden to me, people. GOLDEN.

I’m so happy with this discovery I am making a surprised woman with food composite image in Matty Boy’s honor.

11 thoughts on “A Surprised Woman Working Overtime”

  1. Ach ja, you are a man of colorful interests. I did look for clearer negative space signage photos for your ‘other stupid blog’ but alas, have come up empty. I will keep it in mind, though.

  2. Thanks, Splotchy! The big girls love it when you give them grapes!

    Of course, I can’t be the only one searching the internets for stock photos and using them for purposes likely not intended by their original creators.

    I wonder if there’s a law or something that all of us are violating?

  3. I’m continually noticing web sites and print pieces that use the same free images that I always grab at Microsoft’s royalty-free site.

    btw, I got busted once for using a stock photo illegally. (Full gory details can be found here.)

  4. Having read the bsuwg post, I have to wonder how many of the image search hits I get are from legal beagle web-bots trying to see if they can sue my ass.

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