Domain Name Country Quiz!


Here’s another quiz for you.

I’ll give you the domain name extension (e.g. .com, .net, .org) and you tell me what country it’s for.

No cheating!

01) .sg
02) .br
03) .uk
04) .dk
05) .cn
06) .fr
07) .yu
08) .sa
09) .es
10) .gr
11) .jp
12) .us
13) .nl
14) .in
15) .de
16) .cz
17) .cu
18) .iq
19) .pk
20) .ca


Oops. #9 was marked as .sp (a domain that doesn’t exist). I have changed it to what I had intended — .es

All the other questions are correct.


Here are the answers:

01) .sg (Singapore)
02) .br (Brazil)
03) .uk (United Kingdom)
04) .dk (Denmark)
05) .cn (China)
06) .fr (France)
07) .yu (Yugoslavia)
08) .sa (Saudi Arabia)
09) .es (Spain)
10) .gr (Greece)
11) .jp (Japan)
12) .us (United States)
13) .nl (Netherlands)
14) .in (India)
15) .de (Germany)
16) .cz (Czech Republic)
17) .cu (Cuba)
18) .iq (Iraq)
19) .pk (Pakistan)
20) .ca (Canada)

I believe Matty Boy did the best with this quiz, missing only #1 and #8. His stellar performance doesn’t surprise me, as I am aware of his intense Flags Of Many Lands™ obsession. Congrats to Matty Boy!

I am going to make a point of visiting some websites having these domain name extensions this week.

I know that I’ve definitely been to some UK, Canadian, even German sites relatively recently, but I don’t believe I have accessed a domain in a majority of these countries. Won’t you please join me, and let me know if you find anything nifty?

9 thoughts on “Domain Name Country Quiz!”

  1. Some of these are guesses…

    01) .sg
    02) .br Bosra
    03) .uk United Kingdom
    04) .dk Denmark
    05) .cn
    06) .fr France
    07) .yu Yugoslavia
    08) .sa
    09) .sp Spain
    10) .gr Georgia
    11) .jp Japan
    12) .us United States
    13) .nl Netherlands
    14) .in India
    15) .de Germany
    16) .cz Czechoslovakia
    17) .cu Cuba
    18) .iq Iraq
    19) .pk

  2. 1- Sergovnia
    2- Brantania
    3- Ukistan
    4- Dikland
    5- Candelonia
    6- Frunkstein
    7- Yurope
    8- Sassafras
    9- Splotchya
    10- Grenbabwe
    11- Jupstralia
    12- United Stilts
    13- Nardland
    14- Insrael
    15- Degypt
    16- Cwaziland
    17- Cucumber Coast
    18- Mensa
    19- Pickeragua
    20- Cranama

  3. 01) .sg –uh–sweden?
    02) .br brussels
    03) .uk united kingdom
    04) .dk denmark
    05) .cn china
    06) .fr france
    07) .yu
    08) .sa South africa
    09) .es Spain
    10) .gr Greece
    11) .jp Japan
    12) .us this seems like a trick–USA?
    13) .nl netherlands?
    14) .in India
    15) .de
    16) .cz czech republic
    17) .cu
    18) .iq iraq?
    19) .pk pakistan
    20) .ca canada

    How’d I do?

  4. 01) .sg Senegal
    02) .br Brazil
    03) .uk United Kingdom
    04) .dk Denmark
    05) .cn China
    06) .fr France
    07) .yu Yugo Screw Yourself
    08) .sa South Africa
    09) .es Espana
    10) .gr Greece
    11) .jp Japan
    12) .us Greatest Country in the World, Gahdammit!
    13) .nl Netherlands
    14) .in India
    15) .de Germany
    16) .cz Czech Republic
    17) .cu Cuba
    18) .iq Iraq
    19) .pk Pakistan
    20) .ca Canada

  5. 01) .sg- South Germany
    02) .br- Britain
    03) .uk- uh, UK
    04) .dk- Donna Karan’s Fashion
    05) .cn- Do they own a country too?
    06) .fr- French Fry
    07) .yu- Yukistan
    08) .sa- San Antonio. Duh!
    09) .es- Espana
    10) .gr- Greedy Ass Mofos
    11) .jp- Japan
    12) .us- Unlimited Slurpies
    13) .nl- North Lima
    14) .in- Indiana
    15) .de- Decry Me a River
    16) .cz- Cazikstan
    17) .cu- Cumin
    18) .iq- Smart
    19) .pk- Pickesville
    20) .ca- California Fever

  6. I’ve been getting emails lately telling me to register my company in these countries, otherwise have someone else take the domain names using my company’s name. It’s expensive to do multiple registrations. But it could be expensive not to as well.

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