Famous Last Lines To Movies Yet To Be Written

01. “Grab the hammer and the turkey baster. We’re going to Vegas.”

02. “Reginald, this is your chewing gum talking. Now listen very carefully…”

03. “We are the invasive species!”

04. “Ummmmmmmm… Infinity?”

05. “Mr. Johnson is dead and would like a word with you.”

06. “If you ever need any spare body parts, you know where to find me.”

07. “Oh, fistyloofing crumbcakes!”

08. “She was my giraffe and she always will be.”

09. “Everybody do the shimmy!”

10. “That’s the end of that. Or is it?”

10 thoughts on “Famous Last Lines To Movies Yet To Be Written”

  1. Jon, I prefer coming up with the last lines of movies and let some overpaid screenwriter pad out the first 97 minutes. But if there’s a market for my services, I am so there!

    micga, you are welcome.

    McGone, how about #1? Or were you picturing Helen Mirren?

  2. #6 sounds like something that Arnold Schwarzenegger and Emilio Estevez might star in together. If Arnold ever stops governing and Emilio crawls out of the black hole he fell into.

  3. They’re great! Apparently I once said in my sleep, “Run, Mrs McTankey! The black puddings are coming!” I’d like to see that line in a film. I’d also like to know what I was dreaming about, too.

  4. beckeye, I’d rather hear Schwarzenegger say #9.

    the ir, that is one cool dream you had. Were you playing a little late-night D&D the prior day?

    gt, yum!

    bubs, I am impressed but not surprised.

    rider, I might have a few laying about…

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