How To Spot An Asshole

If you’re in the middle of a large crowd and you want to separate the assholes from the non-assholes, simply loudly yell “Hey, Asshole!”

If anyone turns around to look at you, they are probably an asshole.

This post was brought to you by The Blog Cuss-O-Meter, as seen here, here and here.

(I got a fucking measly 9.2 percent!)


Hey, I just redid my Cuss-O-Meter and now I am up to 9.3 percent!

I’m so happy I’m shitting rainbows!

13 thoughts on “How To Spot An Asshole”

  1. Hey, I put my rating in the permanent area to the side.

    As Bunk would say on The Wire, “Where’s the love, Splotchy? Where’s the muthafuckin’ love?”

  2. Matty Boy, I can’t fucking link to a fucking sidebar.

    Kim, lemme know how that works out for you.

    FranIam, what the fuck?

    p0nk, seriously, what the fuck? Do they even know what WTF fucking stands for?

  3. I got 1.8%, and I’m happy with that. I’m not a big fan of cussing.

    Oh, okay. For your blog. Shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, and tits.

  4. I got 26.7%. I think that’s fucking bullshit! While I love to drop f-bombs and cuss it up in other blogs’ comments, I keep my blog itself relatively clean.

    Hmm, I bet they thought “Chikezie” was a swear word. Nope, he’s just a former Idol contestant. Stupid Cuss-o-meter.

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