I Am Going To Make A Movie

I am going to make a movie. It sounds strange to me. I have a BA in Cinema from Southern Illinois at Carbondale, but I never really wandered too far down that path.

But I have written the script for a short film, and I plan on filming it this summer.

I have a couple actors already lined up. I have a cameraman who has his own equipment. I have another cameraman lined up as well. I have a makeup person lined up. I have shooting dates scheduled.

I still have much preparation to do.

  • Finish my 3rd draft of the script
  • Storyboard the script
  • Scout locations
  • etc. etc. etc.

Still, I am going to make a movie. I’m not going to go into the details of the plot at this point, but I might upload a couple pics from the storyboard-in-progress to tantalize, enchant and frighten you with.

I’m very proud of the script, and I think it could be a great short film, but it’s all in the execution, folks. It’s all in the execution.

We’ll see. More to come.

5 thoughts on “I Am Going To Make A Movie”

  1. I’ll be happy to do some background artist work on your project. I don’t act, but I can cross a street or hail a cab with the best of them.

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