One Binder To Bind Them All

So, I was kind of panicking last night about the upcoming audition we’re holding for my short film, S________ for the S__. I wasn’t feeling very prepared.

So that’s when I reached for the 3-ring binder. This one little stupid object makes me feel so much better about the film — more organized, more in control. Now I can break this large project into more digestible pieces.

I have separators in my binder. Script! Schedule! Budget! Cast/Crew! Props! Camera!

I have a brand new lefty spiral notebook in my binder, that I swiped from MizSplotchy. I have Post-Its. I have pens.

I am so ready.

7 thoughts on “One Binder To Bind Them All”

  1. Tim, I’s will try my’s best.

    d, indeed.

    beth, send ’em over!

    randal g, not only am I planning doing that, but I have also tapped Andy Serkis to be interviewed for some Bonus Featurettes, despite the fact that he will make no appearance in the film.

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