3 thoughts on “The The The The The The The”

  1. Interesting… but do you think it’s just omitting every other word in general, or just the articles EXCEPT in cases when there are only articles–when it eliminates every other article… hmmm…

  2. I think whatever process that Blogger has running will scan for a limited list of words (“a”, “an” and “the” for sure, possibly others) in the post title. As it scans, it omits these words, then determines that anything following the omitted word should be included, even if it is a word that would also normally be omitted.

    It doesn’t matter that I have “The” or “Monkey” or “Potato” following a “The” — it is going to include it in the filename regardless.

    This makes sense to me, at least with regards to indefinite and definite articles. I can’t think of a grammatically-correct phrase where two articles are smooshed together.

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