A Field Of Textual Grain


11 thoughts on “A Field Of Textual Grain”

  1. Freida b, thank you! And I am happy to see the return of upside-down exclamation marks, in both your comments and your blog.

    McGone, yeah, I reckon.

    the IR, you should know that after I read your comment I actually tried doing a textual ocean with a ship in the middle, but it looked kinda crappy so’s I deleted it.

    Weeping Sore, hey as long as it still plays MP3’s after the nuclear winter you have plunged us into, that’s all that’s important. And thanks for stopping by!

    gt, your puns give a me a mi”grain”e.

    TG, what, you part your hair the other way?

    FranIAm, yeah, I’m trying to get in front of the energy crisis.

    GKL, that’s not a typo, that’s a cowpie.

    Lulu, sorry, I didn’t have much choice. My whittlin’ knife is still at Ye Olde Knife Shoppe for sharpening.

  2. you forgot the crop circles.

    btw, the “who’s in charge?” suggestion sent to your i.splotchy@gmail acct was from me.

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