Increasing Traffic To My Sister Blog

I would like to increase traffic to my sister blog, but how?

Perhaps what I need is a name change.

Old name: The Signage Of Negative Space

Possible new names:

1) The Boobage Of Negative Space
2) Signs Of The Apocalypse
3) M. Night Shyamalan’s Negative Space Signage
4) Free Money and Signage
5) Free Ringtones and Signage
6) Halo-Lit Frolicking
7) A Signage Blog That Does Not Give You Cancer
8) Signs-a-plenty
9) Oops! Celebrity Signage
10) Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere’s Signage!

6 thoughts on “Increasing Traffic To My Sister Blog”

  1. If I didn’t just post the signage interview, I would rename the blog to any one of your suggestions in a heartbeat.

    Don’t worry, I’m think I’ll still do some awesome renaming in the near future, I just haveta wait a bit now.

    In due time, in due time…… bwahahaha

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