11 thoughts on “Just Add The Quickening”

  1. What I don’t get is that at the end of the first Highlander, there could “be only one!” And yet there were more Highlander movies. Where’d those other guys come from–outer space?

    Apocalypse Now: The Quickening. Scary!

  2. Three Men and a Quickening
    Police Academy 8: The Quickening
    Yeah, you’re right!

    Also, I think it works for any “-ening”:

    Jumanji II: The Bloodening
    Leprechaun IV: The Scarening
    Kickboxer V: The Fightening
    A Nightmare on Elm Street IX: The Donny Osmondening

  3. The IR, just an FYI, there was a Leprechaun IV, and it took place in space. Hence the title — Leprechaun IV: In Space

    And of course, In Space would make any movie sequel title awesomer.

    Maybe we can shoot for Godfather II: The Quickening In Space!

  4. Wow, thanks for the info Splotchy. I kind of thought that the Leprechaun team had exhausted their title-writing expertise when they came up with ‘One Wedding and Lots of Funerals’ (a film that, I’m sad to say, I own on preview VHS).

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