Please Don’t Be Alarmed If Chunks Of My Blog Go Missing

Occasionally I’ll write a post I think is good at the time, then I’ll see it again and it’ll bug me so much I’ll delete it.

Who knows what will trigger this deletion? Maybe a seemingly condescending tone of voice, a generally stupid ramble, perhaps even misspelling the town name “Petoskey”.

It could be anything.

Just remember, if a part of my blog goes missing, please don’t panic.

Please ID This Song

Hi-di-ho, neutrinos!

I was hoping to get some help identifying an ice cream truck song uploaded on A Blog Of Notes by Tim.

I have heard this ice cream song before, and for some reason I always thought it was “Dixie”. However, I located a version of Dixie and it doesn’t appear to be the same song.

So, any help? Just leave a comment on the ice cream truck post.

Thanks kindly.

Help, My Font Is Too Big

My choice for a RSS feed reader, the Google Reader app, with really, really big letters.

I did the font-enlargening on purpose. Please don’t worry.

You can click on each Reader image to see the font rendered in its proper behemoth size — each image represents a maximized browser window on a 1280 x 960 monitor.




The Spring Lineup of Splotchy Fashions

Bubs was kind enough to call attention to one of my Splotchy brand lines of clothing.

It just so happens that my fashion preparations for Spring have ended, and I’m happy to introduce two new exciting lines of casual wear for the discerning blogreader.

But first, a recap of the popular original Splotchy brand.

The iSplotchy

The original. Where the magic started! Show your devotion to the iSplotchy in clothing form! Available in a variety of cute clothing styles (yes, we carry hooded sweatshirts).


Feral Cat Attacks!

A design based on an original doodle by Splotchy. For current events followers, or people unafraid to express a political viewpoint.

For a more low-key expression of your political identity, there’s always panties.


USB Symbol (NEW!)

An off-handed comment on this post prompted me to start this exciting line. You can purchase shirts with this symbol, but I think you’ll find the hat the most appealing item sporting the USB symbol brand.


ROT13 (NEW!)

Playing around so much with ROT13 gave me the idea for this line of clothing.

At this point, the only text displayed on the back is “trrx” (“geek”), but I am considering introducing some bluer shirts, with phrases like “shpx lbh” and “cvff bss”.


Stay Clothed,
