Party of Five

So, I met with my four main actors last night at the lovely Lincoln Restaurant on Lincoln Avenue.

I gave them a rundown of the prepwork I done for the film thus far, answered questions they had, etc.

We did a readthrough of the script, something which I had never done before. They read their parts, and I read the screen direction and the remaining acting parts.

It was strange. I had never done a readthrough before. I think it went well, though in hindsight readthroughs are probably done better in private than at a restaurant.

I want to do a couple rehearsals in July, and I’ll also need two of the actors to come in so we can decide on the makeup for their head wounds (yes! head wound makeup!).

I drove by the Spaulding location again and it was still pretty deserted, which is a good thing. I managed to snap some negative space signage along the way as well.

So, I’m going to go ahead and call the evening a success.

“Evening, you were a success!”

P.S. I have never seen Party of Five. I didn’t know Matthew Fox was in it (nor do I really care)!

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