Please Don’t Be Alarmed If Chunks Of My Blog Go Missing

Occasionally I’ll write a post I think is good at the time, then I’ll see it again and it’ll bug me so much I’ll delete it.

Who knows what will trigger this deletion? Maybe a seemingly condescending tone of voice, a generally stupid ramble, perhaps even misspelling the town name “Petoskey”.

It could be anything.

Just remember, if a part of my blog goes missing, please don’t panic.

7 thoughts on “Please Don’t Be Alarmed If Chunks Of My Blog Go Missing”

  1. I don’t like the uncertainty, though I’d love the power to delete some disastrous moments of my life.

  2. I did that yesterday. Did a piece on hearing the joyous words “UV index ” on the weather. We in the north rejoice over those words in May.

    Then I wondered if it was post I’d seen somewhere else. Then I worried that that person would see my post and think: plagiarizer!
    So I removed it.

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