5 thoughts on “Can’t Relax When There’s Things To Do”

  1. Have I mentioned lately I’m twitterpated with your twittering?

    I even wrote a poem for you:

    Roses are red,
    Violets are blue,
    Your twittering makes me laugh,
    As does McClanahan, Rue.

    All my love,

  2. Aaaaah! The real, honest-to-goodness Feelies? I made an ass of myself backstage at a Luna show once – Demeski was playing with them and I practically begged him to get the Feelies back together. Have fun!

  3. Doc, I can’t wait!

    falwless, aw, thanks so much. I would say I prefer Estelle Getty, but I’d probably just come off as petty.

    thelass, thank you for your begging! It may have took a while, but it worked!

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