Deserted Industrial Location On The South Side

So, I took another excursion earlier this evening, this time visiting a neighborhood off Ashland Avenue, near I-55.

I’m still scouting for locations for my upcoming short film.

I liked what I saw tonight. The buildings were a little bigger, things were a little rougher, not as well-kept as some of the other industrial areas I have visited. The neighborhood itself wasn’t that rough, at least that’s the impression I got.

Here are some pictures.

7 thoughts on “Deserted Industrial Location On The South Side”

  1. Thanks, Fran. I hope I can use it in my movie.

    Dr MVM, I love taking the train from Chicago to my folks’ house downstate. It travels through a lot of neat old industrial space.

    D, Loomis is one of my favorite street names!

  2. I’m such a lurker, but I came out to say I really like the vertical lines of that space. I think it would film well.

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