Ten Things I Would Like To Hear Anton Chigurh Pronounce

01. That’s stinkin’ thinkin’.
02. How much for the pony ride?
03. I have a booboo on my weewee.
04. I have just learned I am lactose-intolerant.
05. I am looking for the nearest discothèque.
06. What the fudge is going on here?
07. I am going to see Star Wars for the fifty-seventh time, and I would like you to accompany me.
08. Would you like me to play a song for you on my imaginary banjo?
09. I’m a helpless romantic.
10. Yahtzee!

Ten Things I Would Like To Hear Sean Connery Pronounce

George Carlin Is Dead

I’m happy that his first three heart attacks didn’t kill him.

I was actually able to see him do standup in person a couple times.

I’m not qualified to summarize, comment, etc. on his career, his comedy, his astute social observations, etc.

I will say this: no one one told the joke better than he in The Aristocrats.

May his soul soar heavenward, and get stuck on a roof of his own choosing.

A Leftover Graphic From An Aborted Political Post

I was going to write a post about the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) and the oil industry’s desire to drill there.

The gist of the post was that they and the politicians who speak on their behalf are a bunch of greedy bastards using lies to get what they want. Then I decided not to write the post.

Um, okay, well I’ll talk to ya later .

Misheard Lyrics, Vol 6

This isn’t so much a misheard lyric as a misremembered one. I sang this for a long time before a friend helpfully pointed out I had the lyrics wrong.

The Ramones – I Wanna Be Sedated

Actual Lyrics
Hurry, hurry, hurry
Before I go insane

What I Sing
Hurry, hurry, hurry
Hurry all the time