12 thoughts on “Celebrity Names That Also Function As Interjections”

  1. As not to offend the religious, I use “Moses!” instead of “Jesus!” as my interjection of choice. When it is also necessary to use alliteration to make a stronger point, I use “Moses Malone!”

  2. Might I interject to say it was a pleasure meeting you and the fam last night!
    What fun! 🙂
    Now don’t forget that script!

  3. Rider, how could anyone forget Mindy Cohn?

    CK, nicely done!

    Matty Boy, I like that interjection. Don’t forget one could also yell “Jesus Alou!” if you’re worried about offending someone.

    Dr Z, quiet,you!

    Jin, it was a pleasure meeting you as well! The script has been sent.

    DC, no but Marcello Mastroianni will work in a pinch.

  4. Tony Danza!

    Jack Osbourne! – a friend exclaimed this one once when he sliced his tee shot while golfing last summer.

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