[Placeholder for Thank You For The Arte Y Pico Post]

1) make sure I thank Rider and The Monkey, for being very nice and friendly and giving me this prestigious award

2) check if anyone has made a joke regarding pico de gallo about this award (possibly put some salsa on the award pic? — see if zaius or manx is available to photoshop!). hmm, everyone has already made this joke. How about a joke regarding the pico UNIX editor? too esoteric, geeky?

3) try not to look like a prick when you don’t hand out any of the awards to other bloggers

4) pick up some milk on the way home

5) smile, dammit, smile!

6) update post to reflect of course I remembered that I was also given this award by Cowboy the Cat. actually, I do remember it, but by him calling me a Cardassian lover my mind short-circuited a little (this is true).

5 thoughts on “[Placeholder for Thank You For The Arte Y Pico Post]”

  1. Actually, the best thing about this award is the lovely gown with wings and matching over the elbow gloves. I’m just saying. A Diva MUST have priorities, you know.

  2. That’s great and all, but I presented you with that award last week….

    That’s okay, I understand… this ain’t no never-never land.

    Where did those J. Giles Band lyics come from?

  3. DivaJood, I never leave home without my trusty elbow gloves (or my wrap-around lavender-tinted shades).

    CTC, thank goodness this is just a placeholder for a post. Otherwise I would be very embarrassed at your omission.

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