Embrace The Comix

Hi kids.

I have a neat idea. I have already contacted a few people privately about this, but thought, what the heck, it wouldn’t hurt to put it all “out there” for any interested parties.

I am planning on doing a Comix Week at I, Splotchy later this year. As of now I am thinking of doing it during the first week of November, 2008.

What Comix Week is this — during that week, the only blog posts I do will be in comics form. Any text in the post will have to be part of a cartoon.

I am the first to admit I am pretty awful at drawing stuff. I thought it would be neat if I could get contributions from a variety of people.

There are some stipulations to participating in Comix Week. Either the comics will be created based on something I write, or created as a result of my direct collaboration with the artist. What I’m trying to say is that I want to be some kind of creative force in any of the comics posted on the blog. All the comics posted during the week will be assembled into a digital comic book and made available for free download.

I’m announcing Comix Week with lots of lead time because I know it’s not easy making the fancy drawings.

So, let me know if you are interested!

10 thoughts on “Embrace The Comix”

  1. GKL, he would make a terrible leader for this country, but he does have the mad graphic skillz.

    Jess, yayyyyy!

    Freida B, yayyyyy!

    Doc, yayyyyy!

    Angela, thanks!

    DC, so, are you going to do it or what, you crappy drawer you?

  2. This does sound like fun. Please let me in on what you’re planning! My drawing skills are fairly marginal, but can sometimes be rather funny.

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