Thank You, Weather Gods

Perhaps to offset the convertible stress I was put through, my shoot of 08/01-08/03 was quite pleasant, weather-wise.

Originally the forecast was for the weekend to be in the 90’s, and at one point Saturday the 2nd was predicted to get up to 95 degrees. However, as we spent the majority of that day outside in the industrial location, we were accompanied by a light breeze and a temperature that never cracked the low 80’s. Sunday was a little bit hotter, but still quite tolerable.

The day after our shoot, as I was driving Tim to the train station on Monday morning, the sky was heaving rain upon us, which would have been a crappy thing to happen on any of the previous days (I wanted sunshine for my movie).

So, I’m just trying to say to the Weather Gods — thanks!

2 thoughts on “Thank You, Weather Gods”

  1. What luck we had there. It was one of the most beautiful weekends in Chicago (for August!) I can remember. Truly a blessing from the forces at work.

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