Instead Of Having A Nervous, Depressed Post About The Economy, I Am Instead Going To List A Series Of Rhyming Words

01. drats (the economy is tanking)
02. (how is the ongoing financial meltdown affecting) Minnesota Fats
03. (will the collapse of the US financial system somehow spur an uptick in the sale of) spats
04. (an alternative to sleeping on cardboard is using discarded exercise) mats
05. (what is the nutritional value of) rats
06. (for that matter, what is the nutritional value of) cats
07. (I’m a dummy, could someone please just explain to me all these depressing) stats
08. (in addition to economic turmoil, I don’t like) gnats
09. bats (are okay, though, and good for the economy)
10. (a warning to rich people, during these troubled times, refrain from wearing your customary silk) cravats

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