9 thoughts on “Please Help Get This Typo Into The English Lexicon”

  1. destory: to jump off the top of a building; not to be confused with defenstrate which means to jump out of a window.


    Self respecting stock brokers ought to emulate their 1929 counterparts. Whether they destory or defenestrate, it matters not to me!

  2. Destory: To prove that an accepted work of fiction is indeed not true; just as debunking is proving the falsehood of a claimed fact, destorying is proving the falsehood of something that nobody ever claimed to be true anyway.


    “Picking holes in the historical veracity of The Da Vinci Code is just destorying it”

  3. destory: to disseminate a contrived account of events.
    Before the media could uncover the huge FOOBAR, the troops were destoried about the events that took place.
    See debrief

  4. destory: v., to completely erase someone’s mind by means of an incredibly powerful (okay, and sometimes fatal) electric current, thus leaving them with no stories of any kind to tell.

  5. Randal pretty much got the one that occurred to me: destory, v., 1. to edit a work in such a way that its original meaning is lost; 2. to represent events in such a way that the actual circumstances of those events are irrecoverable (cf. news).

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