Wow, Do I Fucking Hate Celebrities

What’s more annoying than some overpaid famous people telling us plebs what to do?

Telling us what to do by telling us what not to do.

I just might not vote because of this piece of shit.

Fucking celebrities. Fuck them.

Okay, so I watched the rest of the video. There is a twist, where the celebrities then cajole you, the viewer, into voting.

But I stand by my original statement. Fuck celebrities.

8 thoughts on “Wow, Do I Fucking Hate Celebrities”

  1. I watched this with the sound off. I’m not sure what they said, but it was obvious they were acting. I assume they were being told to do whatever they were doing. Fuck them.

  2. Am in a rush & can’t watch the vid now; however there are a few celebrities I’d fuck… er, wait… that’s not what you meant is it?!!?

  3. You know, it was slightly annoying but it didn’t really bother me until I saw Adam Levine. Now I’m not gonna vote. I will never do anything that turd says to do.

    It’s cool that they put a zombie in this video right in time for Halloween. Oh wait, that was Benicio del Toro.

    And what the FUCK is Jamie Foxx wearing????

    I like this video for one reason only. It’s now easier to connect more people in Hollywood to Kevin Bacon.

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