20 thoughts on “Please Forgive Me –”

  1. No need to apologize to me. But according to the band, there is no “the” in front of the band’s name.

    Hey, they are lucky I didn’t say “the stupid fucking sucky Eagles”

  2. flannery a, you should make a page at cafepress. I would probably buy a t-shirt, if not a jacket. Oh, and I love pancakes!

    dr mvm, thank you for your agreeance. I would hate to have to call you a looser.

  3. I’m kinda there on that with ya, Splotch. I can stand a VERY occasional “I Can’t Tell You Why,” but everything else can pretty much never be played again.

  4. (The) Eagles were an assembled band, like New Kids on the Block, The Monkeys and Grand Funk. They were hand picked and put together by the producer – in other words synthetic, not real. I only found out about that recently.

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