March 10th Is Adopt-An-Actor Day

Hey! YOU! Yeah, you.

Did you already adopt an actor? Are you listed on the adoption roster?

Or are you not aware of the wonders of adoption?

The number of needy actors is not lessening, but adoptions have alarmingly decreased. Also, some actors who have been adopted have been, I’m sad to say, neglected.

It’s never too late to adopt, and it’s never too late to treat your children with the respect and love they deserve.

That’s why I am declaring March 10th to be Adopt-An-Actor Day ™.

For those who have already adopted, please dedicate a post on your website/blog to your adoptee(s). For those still actorless, please consider this holiday as an opportunity to reach out and care for a thespian-in-need.

Thank you.

P.S. Why March 10th? It’s Chuck Norris’ birthday, obviously.

3 thoughts on “March 10th Is Adopt-An-Actor Day”

  1. I don’t know, that goat that I got for Christmas last year has never written, not even once. How do I know my adoptee will behave any better than a goat? Although Robert Downey Jr looks like he could use a new mama.

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