Internet Challenge #12


Can you find any record of April Fool’s pranks/jokes from 1999 on the web?

This one might be hard. 2 IC points for each example you find, and 2 IC points for the first valid answer.


Holy crap, The Imaginary Reviewer scores 4 IC points for this:

                   _____/—–\   / o\
  +—–+              \ /    /______/
  | 10g |               /|:||/
  +—–+              /____/|
  | 10g |                    |
  +—–+          ..        X

Keep those Olde Tyme pranks coming!

3 thoughts on “Internet Challenge #12”

  1. Jin, I was thinking more of a prank where the websurfer (<--- 1999 Internet vernacular) would be the pranked. But it wasn’t clear from my post, so 2 IC points for you. I should subtract one point for that awful creature in the website’s banner, but I’m feeling kinda tolerant today.

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