Internet Challenge #17

Answer the questions posed by commenters here.

Currently there are five questions, but if more questions come through that aren’t obviously an attempt at rigging the system, you can answer them as well for more pointage.

1 IC point for each reasonably lucid answer (each person limited to one answer per question). Quote the question and leave your response to it in a comment on this post.

First person to answer one of the questions gets an extra IC point.

There can be more than one correct answer, so please feel free to tackle a question that has already been addressed.


6 IC points for Bubs!
5 IC points for Jin!
5 IC points for Chef Cthulhu!

Another IC point for Bubs/Jin/Chef Cthulhu!

5 IC points for Flannery!

Internet Challenge #16

Another challenge!

I have absolutely no idea if this exists, but find me some pro bowling smack talk (from pro bowlers, or fans of pro bowlers)!


Flannery Alden, with 2 IC points for some pro bowler smack talk!
Big names absent, but smack talk isn’t!
“Some bigger-name bowlers are missing on both sides for the first time in quite awhile,” Wheeler said. “Sorry, Peoria. Wait ’til next near, or the next . . . or the next.

“The Cup will stay on the Pekin side of the river!”

Peoria captain Mike McBride also likes his team’s chances.

“Unlike the Cubs, we’ll be able to seal the deal this year,” he said. “The new players will be able to fit in pretty well, and there’s enough leadership and experience on the team that’s going to pull us through.”

So the article title actually contains the words “smack talk”, and the bowlers are ripping on the Chicago Cubs as well. Oh, you rascals!

Randal G scores an IC point for an article on Pete “Crotch Chop” Weber.
Brash, raunchy Weber is just what bowling needs
He’s introduced trash talk to bowling on TV. He trash talks his opponent. Trash talks the pins. And he’s given raucus attention to the fans, whipping them into a frenzy in bowling centers across the country. Just check some of his highlights (or lowlights, depending your perspective):

— Yelling in upstart pro Michael Haugen’s face after icing a title match in December: “There’s no way he’s gonna get his first (title) against me. No way!”

— To classy, Hall-of-Fame bowler Parker Bohn III before a TV match: “You are going down!”

— Screaming after several big strikes on all his TV appearances, all accompanied with fist pumps: “What do you think about that one?!”

— Psyching himself up after nailing down a win against Jason Couch on Sunday, but with a few more frames to go in the match: “Bury him.”

— After winning his first title of the year, he addressed the home audience directly: “I am P-D-W! And I am back!”

I can’t count the additional submission from Flannery, or the one from Imaginary Reviewer, as they don’t quite qualify as pro bowler smack talk.

I’ll give one IC point to Beckeye for the following video. I can’t award points for the other videos, as I don’t think they are pro bowlers, nor do they appear to be talking smack about pro bowlers. Come to think of it, I don’t know if the bowlers in this video are pros either, but I’ll assume they are based on their athletic physique.