Salt Creek Trail Is UNDER ATTACK!

Gary the Sump Pumping Robot continues to do his job at our house. No seepage has occurred as of yet, despite the miserable rain-logged spring (and now summer!) we have been trudging through.

We were forecast to get around 3 inches of rain last Friday, but ended up getting only about a third of an inch.

However, the wind was freaking strong that night. Recent rains have also added up a bit, at least with regards to the Salt Creek trail that I like riding on.

Here is a small report about nature’s recent attacks on the trail my bike calls home.

A tree fell over the trail. I could not ride under it — I had to get off and walk my bike under it. I am not Fonzie.

Another section of the trail is underwater.

I reached this part of the trail at the same time as an elderly woman. She turned around. I said to her (for some reason), “I’m going to try and ride through it.” I made it a ways forward and soon found myself sloshing in about ten or eleven inches of water. My footsies got all wet, so I turned around and headed back.

I am not Fonzie.

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