The IFSRMC Has A Logo!

As far as I know, the group I announced a short time ago, the International Federation of Second-Run Movie Critics (IFSMRC) still has but one member (“ME”).

Despite this, I have continued to move forward with administrative business.

So, via the talent and dedication of the lovely Becca, we got a freaking logo.

I have also resized it for sidebar-displaying purposes!

Can you imagine displaying this badge of honor on *your* website? Let me know if you are interested in joining this prestigious institution!

8 thoughts on “The IFSRMC Has A Logo!”

  1. I love the logo!

    I am such a movie lover. If I could write worth a crap, I would join.

    What if I write a review, but under my real identity, and if you find it acceptable I can contribute whenever you wish?

  2. OK then, I am joining. The nearest second run movie theater is an hour away from me so I’ll only be reviewing one or two per month.

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