Art, Impermanence, Peace, Love, God, Universe, Twitter, Etc.

I was thinking about my movie on the train today.

I started posting to Twitter about it. I loved the idea of hashing out my half-baked thoughts on a site that:

1) Enforces a 140 character limit per post
2) As a result of this limit discourages anything but non-sequiturs, or thoughts that can be reduced to a bite-sized nugget
3) Is a forum that exudes impermanence

Oh, the Library of Congress is supposedly going to archive posts from Twitter, but who wants to look at that? Wouldn’t it be like going through your grocery lists from 2006?

I love the idea of collecting my train of thought from Twitter and posting it on a blog, which has its own issues with impermanence (see The Blogger’s Hyperbola).

Anyway, here you go. The links below lead to the respective Twitter post that contains them. Or something like that. Go read a book.


Art is too easily consumed these days, but it’s also easily disseminated. There’s a causal relation, I imagine.

Art that resists easy consumption is something that requires you to move through significant time with it..

What is significant time? Hm, an hour?

Art that resists easy consumption: books, feature films.

There are spaces that encourage contemplation of art, of course. (galleries)

What is easy consumption? I don’t know exactly. Maybe it’s art that just pings off the surface of you.

I love that art is easily disseminated. That is a pretty awesome thing.

I saw that Pixels movie a few times. Inventive, funny, well-made. But I did not carry anything back from it.

Maybe part of the reason was the film itself, but also perhaps because I ate it like a cheeseburger.

I posted a link to my movie on a thread on a comedy forum I frequent.

A guy posted a video after mine that was him talking straight to the camera.

It bothers me that a consumer of those two videos might not recognize the effort I put forth.

Ah well. It’s not the effort, it’s the final “product” I guess. I am being a little pissy.

Either I need to learn how to do things easier, or gladly accept the effort required to accomplish something.

Probably both. Okay, done now.

P.S. All the effort was worth it. And fun.


2 thoughts on “Art, Impermanence, Peace, Love, God, Universe, Twitter, Etc.”

  1. I love to ponder exactly this sort of thing. One of the things I love about art is that each of us gets to decide for ourselves what it is. While I can often tell when art is the result of a lot of hard work and I can appreciate the effort it required, it doesn’t really affect my enjoyment of the piece, whatever it may be.

  2. Nice comments. As far as creating the art, whatever effort is required to make something, the creator should try to separate that from the final resulting piece.


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