Mother Jones, Your Ads Are Fucking With The Intent Of Your Articles

Look, here’s a Mother Jones article.
The House GOP’s Plan to Redefine Rape

This article decries a proposed bill to limit instances when abortions are eligible for government funding. The rape must be “forcible”. Instances of statutory rape would not be included. It seems like a pretty awful bill, and…what the?

Look, a scantily-clad underage model! Thanks, Mother Jones!

2 thoughts on “Mother Jones, Your Ads Are Fucking With The Intent Of Your Articles”

  1. Yeah, they do it at HuffPo too.

    But, the best one I’ve seen was on Melissa’s feminist site. There was an ad for Peta starring Pamela, juxtaposed with a feminist article. They didn’t like my pointing that out to them.

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