2 thoughts on “Barry and the Setbacks, Episode 3: The Acquaintance Spreadsheet”

  1. I really enjoyed watching Barry and the Setbacks. Only three episodes? I was starting to get into it, and then – wham! – I realized it was over.

    Things I liked:

    The pace of the show.
    The guy who played Barry – everybody knows a “Barry”.
    Theme song. Well done.
    How you exposed Barry’s worldview over time. Each show revealed Barry from a slightly different angle, and it felt like the difference between those angles was “just right”.

    Things to work on:
    Production values, especially the audio. You gotta lose the camera mic.

    I think it has potential.


    1. Wow, thanks for watching, and thanks for your very constructive comments!

      I’m sorry it’s such a sporadic webisode series! We’re hoping to do some more in the spring.

      I totally agree the audio could be better. We shall work on it.

      Thanks again!

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