Confession. For the past several months I had my dog Ollie do his business in the back yard. Every few days I would walk through the grass with a claw-mechanism pooper scooper and a bucket double-lined with plastic bags to collect and dispose of all his piles of earthly delight.
However, partially due to a dumbass bird situation, and partially because we are trying to get some grass to grow on a large hunk of the yard, I’ve been taking Ollie for walks. I used to take him for nighttime walks at ShesAllWrite’s place in Chicago. Her old neighborhood, though a tad on the dicey side, was well-lit by sodium vapor streetlights. It’s a lot darker in my neighborhood.
Tonight, ShesAllWrite and I took Ollie for a walk, and he did his business. I honestly wasn’t looking SUPER closely at where he dropped his doody. Being a good neighbor, I had about seventeen plastic grocery bags stuffed in the lower-left pocket of my camo cargo shorts. But I didn’t know exactly where the stuff I had to pick up was.
I tried shining the display of my phone in the general direction of where the package had been dropped, but couldn’t find it. The grass was glistening from a recent rain, which made finding a shiny piece of poo that much more difficult. I gingerly walked in the grass. “Be careful,” ShesAllWrite warned.
The scent of the doody gradually wafted up and into my nostrils. Oh, yes. I was close.
I got the idea to use my smartphone camera’s flash to find what I was searching for. After several pictures, EUREKA! Land, ho! Mr. Watson! Come here! I need you!
I bagged the crap and threw it in the trash. I got home, plugged in my phone, and began to pull down my photos of the day. The last pictures were the ones I had taken to locate Ollie’s leavings. So, of course I made an animated GIF of the pictures. You’re welcome!