A couple weeks ago I was exiting the side porch of my house and saw some junk hanging from over the door. It was a nest. Aw, heck.
What should I do? Should I move it? Had a bird laid her eggs there yet? I couldn’t get to a place where I could actually see into the top of the nest. I did what I do many times in uncertain situations — nothing.
When I was a kid, our neighbor had a big pine tree that butted up against our driveway. I remember hearing some squeaking coming from the tree when we got home one day. I looked closer through the branches and saw a baby bird. It was on the ground, and didn’t appear to be happy about it. I wanted to do something.
It must have fallen out a nest up in the tree. I asked if we could move the baby, find the nest, something. My folks didn’t know what to do. We left it there. It took a couple days for the baby bird to stop squeaking. Ugh.
I’ve gone out a few times in the last week and a robin has flown from the nest as I open the back door. I don’t want to kill any baby birds. And I don’t want to freak out Mama Robin every time I want to go to my backyard.
I looked on the web, seeing if anyone had recommendations about maybe moving the nest to a less-trafficked area. I found some anecdotes about successfully moving a bird’s nest, but most people said not to do it. Others even said it was a crime, a violation of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918.
I’m going to have my family stop using the back door, at least during the spring. It will be a mild inconvenience, but maybe we won’t kill any baby birds. That would be nice.
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