Head Mosaics 4-6

I haven’t been taking lots of pictures of heads this past year, but I’ve taken enough to populate a few more mosaics.

Here they are.

Mosaic #4
Mosaic #4


Mosaic #5
Mosaic #5



I usually take black and white pictures of heads, but when I am struck by something about a picture (Hair! Jacket! Vest!) I have no problem using color.

Mosaic #6
Mosaic #6



Note:  While I was making these mosaics, I was listening to Ian McCulloch’s really nice solo record Candleland.



One thought on “Head Mosaics 4-6”

  1. These are so cool. So satisfying to see the pictures in mosaic form, compiled. They would make a fun variation on a bingo game for kids. I imagine it being sold in a novelty store.

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