A Cup of Coffey

Splotchy: What is your blog?

CupOfCoffey: A Cup of Coffey

S: When and why did you start blogging?

CoC: I started blogging in March 2006 because I thought it would be a fun way to stay connected with my friends. I never imagined folks outside my group of friends would read it! I learned so much about life and music and people during my three blogging years. I really miss that connection.

S: Did you stop blogging?

CoC: I did.

S: When did you stop blogging?

CoC: April 2009.

S: What were any factors that contributed to stopping?

CoC: I just couldn’t find the time to write a decent post anymore — and joining Facebook allowed me to keep up with those in our blogworld. Facebook is great for lazy interactions.

S: Do you ever miss it?

CoC: All the time! It was a great way to share my life with others and learn about their lives — and I loved doing the Mix Tape Friday posts! There was this lovely intimacy among our blogworld — and yet I’d never seen their faces or heard their voices. It was a lovely connection, wasn’t it? I couldn’t wait to dive into those posts every day. I often think of the stories and the laughter and the tears those posts brought me. So many good, honest writers out there. I learned so much — and I valued the takedowns I got when needed (I’m thinking of you, Coaster Punchman, and still feel filthy shame).

I made so many true friends through our blogworld, just some of the coolest people around. I’ve met a few in person — C.K. Baxter, Thomas Houck, Chris Hull, Jenny Shaw Kessler and Dax Kessler, Grant Miller, Joe O’Sullivan, Fran Szpylczyn, Lisa Williams, and Doug Golden — and I wish I could meet more of y’all. I also met some of my now-dearest friends through A Cup of Coffey, non-bloggers who read my posts.

There was one blogger, Mike Kascynski, who became a dear, dear friend, though we never met. I had planned to meet up with him in Chicago during the summer of 2022, but he died suddenly nearly two years ago. I miss him desperately and regret never seeing him face to face. Y’all get out there and meet people!

It was a beautiful, unique world.

S: Do you think you’ll ever pick it up again? Why or why not?

CoC: I do consider it on occasion. Maybe once I retire in 2025!

S: How do you feel about social media? Does it give you the same feelings as blogging? Why or why not?

CoC: I think of social media as lazy blogging. You don’t
need to spend time thinking of a good post idea, then writing and polishing it, then posting it. I can post a photo and I’m done. But what does that say about me? How am I learning about others? I know the foods they like and the books they read, but there’s so much more. I’m a bit more protective of myself on Facebook and Instagram.

S: How do you feel about the state of the internet in general? This is a very broad question, so feel free how to answer as you see fit.

CoC: The internet has opened up so much of our world for me. And it’s made my life so much easier. I bank online. Shop online. Travel via apps. Watch movies and shows. Discover music. But I do miss the connection of talking to a bookseller instead of ordering it online (we go to locally owned bookstores, but not as much as we should). I met my husband via Facebook (or re-met; we grew up together, but never really hung out), so that’s wonderful. There is so much good — political organizing, sharing secrets, tracking down that new band. But it breeds so much hatred. I find I’m following news less than I ever have because of that hatred and all the untruths out there.


Thanks for the interview. It is so wonderful to hear your thoughts!

Oh man, your last post was for the Green Monkey Music Project. When I first announced the GMMP, I said it was inspired by your mixtape Fridays.

By the way, you dropped this, queen:

4 thoughts on “A Cup of Coffey”

  1. I loved your GMMP! It could inspire me to blog again.

    I also got to hang out with Lisa Williams and Doug Golden at a Leonard Cohen concert. How cool was that!

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