FranUAre: Interview with FranIAm

Splotchy: What is your blog?

FranIAm: First I had FranIam from 2007-2009 and that is no longer visible to the world.It was a snarky blog mostly about politics and other kind of shitposting! That is where I met so many of you beautiful bloggy people. In 2009 I started There Will Be Bread, a blog about the intersection of faith and life. It has kind of died off now, but is still online.

S: When and why did you start blogging?

FIA: I think it was around 2006 and my friend (the blogger formerly known as Distributorcap) had me start reading some blogs – Princess Sparklepony and also Daily Kos. I wrote something for Daily Kos and did a few times. They had a sister site at the time, Street Preachers. Its focus was politics and religion, and I had (still do) had a lot to say about that. Then one day in 2007 I started FranIam. It was fun to write about funny, snarky things. Once I remember posting a photo of George W. Bush in crocs, with some smart-assy commentary. That was where I was at! It was fun and funny all at once. That blog connected me with so many people, including you. It is weird because at first I met all you funny, crazy, politicalish, snarky people and then I also got hooked up to a group of far-left Episcopalians. In the end there was overlap, which was great! It is just funny how it all evolved very organically at a unique moment in internet life. It was wonderful.

S: Did you stop blogging?

FIA: More or less. I want to keep writing but am unsettled about how/where. Not a blog though, maybe a substack. I did start a substack before I sent you this. It can be found here – Not What You Might Think. It is pretty lame so far!

S: When did you stop blogging?

FIA: My blog just kind of died out over the past couple of years. Lack of time, interest, energy. Facebook sucked a lot of life out of it too and politics were not as much a factor during the Obama years. He will always be my favorite president.

S: What were factors that contributed to stopping?

FIA: A lot of things, primarily energy and focus. It just was hard to find time to do it. Plus social media (Facebook) kind of broke blogging. It just all felt like so much!

S: Do you ever miss it?

FIA: All the time!!

S: Do you think you’ll ever pick it up again?  Why or why not?

FIA: I will give the substack a go, but honestly – we lived in the Golden Age of blogging, and I do not think we will ever see that again.

S: Did you feel part of a larger community when writing your blog?

FIA: I did.

S: Do you have people you regularly interact with?  How large a group is it?  Are they also bloggers?

FIA: I have a pretty solid circle of people that I met through social media that I am still in touch with. Many of us have met over the years, and I am in regular touch with more than a few people. And that blogger formerly known as Distributorcap? I talk to him almost every day, pretty much via texting.

S: How do you feel about social media? Does it give you the same feelings as blogging? Why or why not?

FIA: Social media is a mixed bag. Love/hate for sure. Same feeling? A little bit the same, but the blog world felt much more communal, less cruel!

S: How do you feel about the state of the Internet in general?  This is a very broad question, so feel free how to answer as you see fit.

FIA: The internet is the best and worst thing in the world. I could wax on for hours, but overall I think it often does more harm than good. But yet – where else would I find all you beautiful people? The internet has been and remains a source of great information mixed with shitty information and disinformation, it is a place full of wisdom and love, except when it is not, which is often.

Let me use Twitter, I mean Xhitter, as an example. I grew to love that place. When I finally found my people, not unlike with blogs, I really loved it and found real community. But then that monster bought it and it is really awful. Honestly though, I cannot quit that xhit! 🙂

I am so glad you undertook this little project – what a reminder of days gone by, a ton of laughs, creativity, bold political thought and action, and so much more.


Thanks for all your thoughtful answers, Fran!

And I’m glad I did this project, too. It’s so nice to hear from all my blogging buddies. Oh, if Distributorcap wants to be interviewed, please let me know! I’m sure I’m not the only person who misses him.

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