The Big DumpTruck

Splotchy: What is your blog?

TheBigDumpTruck: The Big DumpTruck 

S: When and why did you start blogging?

TBDT: 1995ish. I decided I missed my old Wildcat BBS, and also thought learning HTML could be useful for my job. Registered the domain in 1996. Back then it was just a hand-coded website where I gave Lord of the Dance and Emeril Lagasse updates. And just mundane stuff. 

S: Did you stop blogging?

TBDT: Not officially. So I will answer as a no?

S: Do you feel part of a larger community when writing your blog?

TBDT: No. I never considered myself a blogger. I was just writing on the internet.

S: Do you have people you regularly interact with?  How large a group is it?

TBDT: Yes and no. Not from my blog exactly. Most were from early Twitter and we all connected on IG and FB. I also am still friends with people from an old Compuserve forum for MST3K, and a group of women with Jan 98 I met on a mailing list. 

S: What keeps you motivated to post?

TBDT: I had been focused more on creating other types on content, including a podcast, but I’m trying to pick up the keyboard some more. I don’t think anyone’s reading, but maybe I’ll catch someone’s eye. 

S: How do you feel about social media?

TBDT: I think I have made many more connections on social media, so I get the instant gratification I do deeply desire.

S: How do you feel about the state of the Internet in general?  This is a very broad question, so feel free how to answer as you see fit.

TBDT: I think some great things were ruined by greed, but it’s not like I haven’t already outlived 10-20 platforms I was on. I’m bitter about Twitter becoming a cesspool, and I hate that we’ll never create friendships on what’s left the way we did. I hit my 15th twitterversary in August. 2008 was a kinder, simpler time.  


Thanks for these thoughtful answers!

You can find The BigDumpTruck in podcast form at Adventures in Jodysitting.

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