The Gifted Typist Interview

Splotchy: What is your blog?

Gifted Typist: Gifted Typist

S: When and why did you start blogging?

GT: I’m a writer by trade and blogging was a good outlet for my thoughts. I thought it would be funny to assume the character of an earnest Les Nessman-like reporter.

S: Did you stop blogging?

GT: Yes.

S: When did you stop blogging? 

GT: Around 2011, I think.

S: What were any factors that contributed to stopping? 

GT: Life got messy with a breakdown of my marriage and I didn’t feel like sharing my life and thoughts.

S: Do you ever miss it?

GT: I miss the connection but did keep up with many old friends via Facebook.

S: Do you think you’ll ever pick it up again?  Why or why not?

GT: Probably not a personal blog. The internet has morphed into a weird space and I’m not keen to share too much any more. I still write a newspaper political opinion column commenting on current affairs and do blog content for work.

S: How do you feel about social media? Does it give you the same feelings as blogging? Why or why not?

GT: Oh boy! I know it is really about data mining. Some really bad social outcomes have resulted from social media. I use it less and less.

S: How do you feel about the state of the Internet in general?  This is a very broad question, so feel free how to answer as you see fit.

GT: Following from the above, the Internet has been a force of liberation that has allowed connections that would have never occurred – like this group of interviews with truly lovely people. It is also a force for bad things and has undermined our democracies, manipulated our politics and divided us.

I truly loved the connection and friendships with bloggers I never met – I still miss that part .

S: I realize this might be upsetting to you if this is the first time you are learning about it — It appears that giftedtypist dot com has been repurposed for some kind of porn site (I think it’s Chinese).

GT: Yes, I was aware of this and forgot to mention it.

S: Just as I did with the word “Splotchy”, you chose words not obviously connected to your name and offline identity to represent yourself on the web.  When you stopped blogging, did you decide to let the domain expire?  Does it feel personal that this site is using your old domain, or do you no longer feel a connection to it?  

GT : I gave up the email account the blog was registered with, so when my domain was due for renewal I didn’t receive the notifications.  Beyond that,  life was complicated and I wasn’t focused on my blog. So it was overtaken.

Alt first I was sad that that part of my recorded existence had disappeared – just like that, poof! But with time, I accepted that phases and people come and go during our life‘s journey. The real joy was in the writing and the connection with the community I had.

I do wish I still had some of those posts too – I’m sure they would be amusing to me now.


Thank you so much for your thoughtful answers. Visitors beware, giftedtypist dot com is NSFW and is not in any way associated with our interview subject.

If it’s helpful at all, I found an archive of the real blog via The Wayback Machine. If you visit it, I hope it brings back some nice memories. 📇 ❤️

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