I did this comic a few weeks ago not realizing there was a very infamous comic about loss that was widely parodied over a decade ago.
There is even an iconic minimalist representation of this comic done in straight lines (see below).
My 18 year old son told me all about this old comic. Otherwise, I’d still be blissfully unaware.
It makes me think a few things.
- Is my Loss comic kinda lame? Is my overall comic in general kind of lame? The Loss comic might be lame without this meme floating around. Kind of embarrasses me, and makes me reconsider even doing a comic at all.
- How cool is that something like a comic that was mocked, but then refactored and reduced into a recognizable pattern of perpendicular straight lines? That is *so* cool!
- My son says he likes my comic and he reads a lot of comics online and thinks I’m doing interesting things, so I will keep doing it. I said in an earlier strip that it is a thing that is forever becoming, not something that already is. If I keep at it, who knows what it can turn into. Maybe it’s garbage, and maybe that’s all it will ever be. I think it’s nice to try and see what happens.
- I might have already made dozens of missteps in any writings I have done online, and will probably make many more. That’s the way it goes, I guess.
Love, Splotchy

Love it!