All posts by Splotchy

13 Days of Halloween Families

In November 2020 , my wife Carla left behind an unforgiving, brutal digital marketing job to focus on art. She started Thunder Moon Studio, selling watercolor art at local fairs and farmer markets. She recently branched out to teaching art as well.

Earlier this year she participated in a 100 day project, which was a very broad and general global art project where participants would commit to doing something artistic for 100 days straight. Some people learned a song, some people wrote poems, some people took photographs, etc. Carla made art.

In addition to making the art, inspired by meeting the warm and kind George Berlin, who described how he liked to leave tiny pieces of art around places he would visit, we also hid each of these hundred pieces in our hometown. I would typically hide the pieces and take a few photographs to give clues as to where to find them, and Carla would post about them on social media.

A lot of people ended up participating, and all the art was found (some were gone in minutes!).

That project ended in June. We had discussed doing something for Halloween. One day seemed a little short, so Carla suggested we do the thirteen days leading up to Halloween.

I had the idea to make multiple pieces for each day rather than one. Similar to the 100 day project, we would post clues on social media to find the first monster. The only way to find the monster’s family would be a clue we would include with the first picture.

I was really happy to be a small part in Carla’s project. This is what makes me happy — bringing some magic and joy into the world for no other reason than that — magic and joy.

Here are the monsters and their families.

Love, Splotchy (and Carla)


Someone said something annoyingly paranoid and fear-mongering on the trash fire that is X aka Twitter and I thought, I’ll reply with an appropriate GIF. But, that appropriate GIF did not exist, at least to my knowledge.

So, I created it. It’s from The Ninth Gate, the same movie where I last posted a GIF from back in January.

I can’t locate the aforementioned idiot so currently have no place to post this GIF, but if you happen to stumble upon any online dweeb trying to whip up a panic, please feel free to use this.

UPDATE: Found the dipshit.

28 Likes, 1.2K comments. That is a BRUTAL ratio.

Another Interview? GET KRISTI LOVE!!!

image courtesy of evil genius

Splotchy: What is your blog?

GetKristiLove: It was this, but I archived it: Two Minutes in the Box

S: When and why did you start blogging?

GKL: I started blogging in January, 2006 Mostly because my sister (VikkiTikkiTavi) was blogging and talking a lot about it. She probably said something like, “Kristi, you don’t have a blog yet?!” I have always copied my sister since I was young because she’s older and wiser, so I figured what the hell. 

S: Did you stop blogging?

GKL: Yes

S: When did you stop blogging?

GKL: I think sometime in 2010 or 2011.

S: What were any factors that contributed to stopping?

GKL: Several people in our “blog circle” stopped posting blogs and moved on to Facebook, so I followed suit. I guess I am a follower…? Another factor was that era was the height of my career, and it became too hard in my high-stress technical surroundings to switch gears and write something creative or funny on my lunch break anymore. I wasn’t going to go home from work and sit on a computer either because I played sports every night. One last factor is I got married. No, it’s a good thing, but I wasn’t a single gal putting the ho in hockey with funny or interesting stories to tell in that realm anymore, so my brand was diminished. I did continue to read blogs for a while, even if I wasn’t posting, but so many people stopped.

S: Do you ever miss it?

GKL: I do miss blogging, mostly reading blogs and keeping up with the people I’ve met in that way. 

S: Do you think you’ll ever pick it up again?  Why or why not?

GKL: I always thought I would pick up blogging again and be more active in social media in general after retirement… but it’s been three years and still no. I’m not sure why, although I think it’s mostly because I am still very active, even more so during the day now since I don’t work. I’m outside a lot and not in front of a computer, which is another good thing. 

But it would be nice to write and read blogs again. I probably will someday. I think.

S: How do you feel about social media? Does it give you the same feelings as blogging? Why or why not?

GKL: There are negatives and positives to all the social media platforms, and people can choose what suits them best. I don’t like to be in places where people dish out hate. I like Instagram and that’s about it. It seems less angsty. It’s not at all the same feelings as blogging because I don’t write much, or read much, by design. I used to share some thoughts on Facebook, but not anymore. That was what was cool about blogging within a circle, and before there was so much trolling. I actually “knew” people that read my stuff and trusted them to be respectful and not to throw shade, even if they didn’t agree with my opinion. Times have changed. I have over 400 friends on Facebook for example, there’s no way I’m going to share anything with that big of a group. It’s not the place for me.

The underlying answer is that when I blogged, I was hoping someone would read it and give insight, support, or laugh. When they did, it was a great feeling. On Instagram or Facebook, I’m not looking for any kind of feedback really. Maybe just like my photo every now and then, okay?

S: How do you feel about the state of the Internet in general?  This is a very broad question, so feel free how to answer as you see fit.

GKL: The good thing about the internet is stupid people can use it. The bad thing about the internet is stupid people can use it. But seriously, again, there’s negatives and positives. For me, there’s mostly positives because I use the internet to my benefit and I shield out what I don’t want. I think we have gotten to the point where most people know not to believe something just because you read it on the internet, but I feel it takes a certain level of education beyond that to inform people how identity theft, scams, and data theft happens so please be careful out there!


Thank so much, Kristi! It was lovely to hear your answers.

Joe: The Sprawling Ramshackle Interview

Splotchy: What is your blog?

Joe: My blog, which is still floating out there in the ether, is Sprawling Ramshackle Compound. I grabbed that name from a random line in the book Wigfield–which I listened to with you on our trip to gut houses in St Bernard Parish after Katrina in early 2006.

S: When and why did you start blogging?

J: I started blogging in May, 2006. I always liked talking and sharing stories, and my then-teenage daughters told me I should start a blog. I can’t remember how I settled on Blogger as a platform, but it was easy to use. I enjoyed writing about, and linking to, offbeat stories that interested me, but at the start I didn’t really give much thought to being part of a larger community, or of connecting with other bloggers. Two things about blogging between 2006-2010 were pleasant surprises: becoming friends with people I never would have otherwise met, and getting an opportunity to be paid for blogging with the Chicago Tribune’s (now-extinct) ChicagoNow blog network. From May 2009 until October 2010 I was lucky to be able to write about crime and policing in a blog called Arresting Tales. Met a ton of wonderful people, was invited to make quite a few appearances on WGN radio, and really enjoyed myself–for a while I even had delusions of becoming a real writer.

S: When did you stop blogging? What were any factors that contributed to stopping?

J: I stopped blogging on Arresting Tales as a condition of being promoted to an exempt rank at the department I worked for. My posting on Sprawling Ramshackle Compound really dropped off after that. I posted one essay in 2013, My First Prostitute, that I wrote for the Chicago Independent Radio Project (CHIRP) “First Time” reading series. The last post on SRC is from June 2015, My Confederate Flag, written after the Charleston church massacre. I have not written since. I’m not sure why I stopped, but I realized that at some point my desire to communicate with the public at large, or really to communicate with anyone beyond my friends and family, had completely disappeared.

S: Do you ever miss it? Do you think you’ll ever pick it up again?  Why or why not?

J: There are things that I miss–sharing music, book and movie recommendations, learning new things, meeting so many truly witty and interesting people, “Tweetups” with ChicagoNow, the sense of everything being new, and I loved the rush I got from feeling like I entertained people to some degree. I’ve thought about dusting off SRC and blogging again, but honestly I don’t think the juice is worth the squeeze.

S: How do you feel about social media? Does it give you the same feelings as blogging? Why or why not?

J: Social media…man. I’m not exaggerating when I say I think it’s one of the worst developments in recent human history. Social media gives the loudest megaphones to the worst voices and keeps everyone anxious and on edge. We think we’re being entertained, but really we’re only being distracted. I keep Facebook for now; I live in a rural area, and there are so many local businesses for which their Facebook page is their only internet presence. It also keeps me up to date on local events. Instagram is essentially a fun photo diary. I’m still on Twitter, watching it circle the drain. It’s funny watching the emergence of platforms like Medium, or Substack, even the “thread roll” apps on Twitter–it really reminds me of a return to long-form blogging from the mid-2000’s.


Thanks a lot for these thoughtful answers, Joe. As you know, but maybe others don’t, I only got into blogging after seeing your posts from the Compound and thinking it would be a fun thing to try myself.

Interview. Why? No, That’s Why.

Splotchy: What is your blog?

That’s Why: That’s Why. My first blog was PoliTits where I blogged as DCup. Unfortunately, I made the unwise decision to delete it in 2009.

S: When and why did you start blogging?

TW: I think it was 2006 and I started blogging because I felt so isolated as a transplanted liberal in George W’s world. We’d moved from the Chicago area to rural North Georgia. My first blog got traction when I blogged about Nancy Pelosi becoming the first female to be elected the Speaker of the House.

S: Did you stop blogging?

TW: Mostly yes. I occasionally peck out a few words.

S: When did you stop blogging?

TW: I stopped blogging with any regularity in 2012.

S: What were any factors that contributed to stopping?

TW: I really slowed down when I took a job with a union and management asked me to be very careful about my blog. Then there was a divorce, a career change, a move far away from my beloved ex and kids, a new relationship and it all just fell apart. The stories I wanted to tell felt wrong. I didn’t want my ex or kids to read the things I might have written during those days.

S: Do you ever miss it?

TW: All the time.

S: Do you think you’ll ever pick it up again?  Why or why not?

TW: I do. I love to write. I’ll keep it in perspective though. The writing will be for me mostly.

S: How do you feel about social media? Does it give you the same feelings as blogging? Why or why not?

TW: I’ve been all over the place with social media. I never quite got the hang of Twitter and rarely use it. I have a barely like/hate relationship with Facebook. It’s like a utility. I really enjoyed TikTok but it started to feel like a job. I felt it necessary to interact with everyone’s content if I were making my own. I’ve made friends there for sure. Of all the social media, it most reminds me of the old blogging days because circles of community form and interact with each other. Nevertheless, I’ve cut back severely on my use of it, as well.

S: How do you feel about the state of the Internet in general?  This is a very broad question, so feel free how to answer as you see fit.

TW: It’s a useful utility. I can’t imagine work or life without it. I love Facetime with my grandsons and being able to identify plants with a click of a button. I LOVE not having to go to the grocery store anymore because of Kroger delivery.

Interview With Some Guy

Splotchy: What is your blog? 

Some Guy: Some Guy’s Blog

S:  When and why did you start blogging?

SG: I started in June of 2006 after reconnecting with my old friend, Grant Miller. Grant offered me the chance to guest-host his blog while he was away. It was so much fun and the people were cool, so I decided to start my own. Living in a pretty rural area and being fairly introverted, the blog was a good way for me to meet like-minded people from all over.

S: Did you stop blogging?

SG: Yes.

S: When did you stop blogging?

SG: I put up a random post during the pandemic, but my posting became really infrequent around 2011/2012 and stopped for good in 2014.

S: What were any factors that contributed to stopping?

SG:  I’m not sure. I know there was a big movement towards Facebook at some point, which I think played a part. I think a lot of the people I followed weren’t posting as much and I wasn’t as motivated to go out and find new blogs to follow.

S: Do you ever miss it?

SG: I do. I had a blast while I was doing it and I met a lot of great people, many in person as well. I still follow the lives of many of my blog friends on other social media.

S: Do you think you’ll ever pick it up again? Why or why not?

SG:  I’d never say never, but I’m not just not sure. Perhaps some of the reluctance is from fear that it won’t be as fun the second time around, which is lame, I know.

S: How do you feel about social media? Does it give you the same feelings as blogging? Why or why not?

SG: My curiosity compels me to follow at least some social media (Facebook, instagram, and YouTube), but I don’t necessarily feel good about it. I will say that I have watched some fascinating stuff on YouTube that I don’t think I would have  had access to anywhere else. The thing I found different about blogging was that it was much more of a community. I felt like there was more interest in getting to know each other on a personal level. We even had multiple blogger meet-ups! I would gladly go have lunch or dinner (and I have!) with any of my old blog friends if I happen to be in their towns.

S: How do you feel about the state of the Internet in general?  This is a very broad question, so feel free how to answer as you see fit.

SG: The Internet does a lot of things well. It can inform, provide entertainment, and accomplish tasks efficiently. Personally, i feel like the Internet has enriched my life. I’ve made many lasting personal connections through the Internet. It’s helped  me get better control of my finances. It’s made travel so much easier. I also think the Internet can be easily weaponized to disinform, hurt, sow distrust, and promote isolation. I’d have to give a lot more thought to whether or not the Internet has been a net positive for society.


Thank you for these thoughtful answers, Some Guy!

The Official Interview of Grant Miller

Splotchy: What is your blog?

Grant Miller: Grant Miller Media

S: When and why did you start blogging?

GM:  I started around 2006 or 2007. My initial purpose was to share stories about my life as a stay-at-home dad to my then toddler kids. My earliest posts followed that. But then it quickly devolved into making joke posts and or ripping off Spy Magazine/David Letterman/The Onion.

S: Did you stop blogging?  

GM: I slowed considerably after moving from Illinois to Florida in 2010 and stopped entirely in about 2014. I made it private around that time and only re-opened it a few years ago by request.

S: What were any factors that contributed to stopping?

GM: I quit because my kids were getting older. I wasn’t stay-at-home dadding as much. I was working more. I was also recently divorced and trying to establish a social life in Florida and get myself out of the house. On top of that blogging didn’t pay.

S: Do you ever miss it? Do you think you’ll ever pick it up again?  Why or why not?

GM: I don’t miss blogging too much. I miss the naivety as the best blogging years were mostly pre-Facebook. I don’t anticipate picking it up again. There are lots of people who do it a lot better. Middle aged white guys have already ruined the World Wide Web, they don’t need me to make everything Worse.

S: I know you have an interest in photography in addition to writing. Do you feel social media is a satisfying outlet for your photography? Why or why not? 

GM: Social media is a satisfying outlet for those photos, but I’m selective because I don’t want to bore or waste anyone’s time. Photos I share are pretty but there’s many I don’t simply because they’re my memories but not particularly beautiful or even interesting to anyone else.

S: Do you have an outlet for your writing, or is this something that you aren’t actively pursuing in a regular cadence?

GM: I don’t write creatively or for pleasure much anymore. Most of my writing today is technical and for my profession. I wrote a few poems in recent years but none I plan to share any time soon.


Thank you so much for these thoughtful answers, Grant!!