Category Archives: 60 second doodle

A Movie Quote Meme With A Doodle Happy Ending

Hi, here’s a belated movie quote meme completed on behalf of Mathman.


1. Here are quotes from 15 of my favourite movies.
2. See if you can name the films from whence they were lifted.
3. No googling or IMDBing; I’m trusting you on this.
4. I’ll post the film names as they’re correctly identified.

My additional rule:
5. Person(s) with the most correct answers can supply a doodle idea for me to doodle.

The Quotes:

1. “What does Operations care about a bunch of damn books? A book in Dutch. A book out of Venezuela. Mystery stories in Arabic.”
Three Days of the Condor [Matty Boy]

2. “Life mocks me even in death!”
An American Werewolf In London [Never Identified!]

3. “Well, I’ve been to one world fair, a picnic, and a rodeo, and that’s the stupidest thing I ever heard come over a set of earphones.”
Dr. Strangelove [Matty Boy]

4. “I saved Latin. What did you ever do?”
Rushmore [Cowboy The Cat]

5. “Don’t be so gloomy. After all it’s not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love – they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.”
The Third Man [Becca]

6. “Back home, they put me in jail for what I’m doing. Here, they give me awards. “
Casino [SamuraiFrog]

7. “I heard about Doc, and I know why he did it. Somebody took away his painting privileges.”
Escape From Alcatraz [Becca]

8. “Oh, ho ho! You sly dog! You got me monologuing! I can’t believe it.”
The Incredibles [J.D.]

9. “You’re a very attractive man, Ken. You’re… smart, you’ve got wonderful bones, great eyes, and you dress really interestingly.”
A Fish Called Wanda [Tim]

10. “Ask him, Edie, how come he’s so good at killing people?”
A History Of Violence [J.D.]

11. “You are named after the dog?”
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade [Cowboy The Cat]

12. “Pay strict attention to what I say because I choose my words carefully and I never repeat myself.”
Inside Man [J.D.]

13. “What was Raymond doing with his hands?”
The Manchurian Candidate (1962) [SamuraiFrog]

14. “I think my body’s getting used to these 36-hour days.”
Primer [Never Identified!]

15. “Lisa, whatever female-driven, emotion-based dilemma you may be dealing with right now, you have my sympathy. But for the sake of time and sanity, let’s break this down into a little male-driven fact-based logic. One simple phone call saves your dad’s life. “
Red Eye [Lonie Polony]


To make this a meme with an amazingly happy ending, I have decided to offer my doodling services for *anyone* that was the first to correctly answer any of the questions.

I await your doodle ideas!


For Lonie Polony: Danny Zucco in Greased Lightning (how about Zucco in front of Greased Lightning? I should have read your request a little more carefully!)

For SamuraiFrog: A walrus typing on a laptop that’s starting to explode.

For Tim: Working from home.

For J.D.: John McCain channeling The Hulk breaking a baby lamb in half, with the blood dripping onto a poster for Blade Runner

For Becca: Wonder Woman dancing with Mario (from Mario Brothers)

Movie Quotes ‘N Doodles

The three people with the highest number of correct answers on the following movie quotes quiz will get a doodle. All that you need to provide is the movie title, but you’re welcome to add your own two cents about the quote/movie.

Please refrain from using search engines.

Oh forget it. You people had your chance. Unanswered questions now have the answers.

I’d like all the questions to be answered, if possible. Here are some hints regarding the unanswered questions.

#9 is “I’m Paul.” (menacingly)
Okay here’s another quote from the same movie:
Frank… is a very sick and dangerous man.

#10 – Think B&W. Think war. Think Meeker.
Another quote from the same movie:
If those little sweethearts won’t face German bullets, they’ll face French ones!

#13 – The character Jerry being addressed in the quote is played by an actor named Jerry.
Another quote:
Better to be king for a night than schmuck for a lifetime.

#17 – Mitchum pumpin’ gas.
A second hint: rhymes with “Shout Of The Fast”

1) Time Bandits [Rider]
Mom! Dad! It’s evil! Don’t touch it!

2) Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory [kirby]
You should open your mouth a little wider when you speak.

3) Strangers On A Train [SamuraiFrog]
For example, your wife, my father. Criss-cross.

4) Time After Time [SamuraiFrog]
Pomme frites! Fries are pomme frites!

5) The Big Lebowski [McGone]
I just want to understand this, sir. Every time a rug is micturated upon in this fair city, I have to compensate the owner?

6) Spider-Man [Rider]
That’s a cute outfit. Did your husband give it to you?

7) Predator [Rider]
What’s the matter? CIA got you pushing too many pencils?

8) The Dead Zone [Johnny Yen]
The ice is going to break!

9) Blue Velvet [Never Identified!]
I’m Paul.

10) Paths of Glory [Never Identified!]
See that cockroach? Tomorrow morning, we’ll be dead and it’ll be alive. It’ll have more contact with my wife and child than I will. I’ll be nothing, and it’ll be alive.

11) Spaceballs [SamuraiFrog]
Ludicrous speed, go!

12) Hot Fuzz [Rider]
Have you ever fired two guns whilst jumping through the air?

13) The King of Comedy [Never Identified!]
I know, Jerry, that you are as human as the rest of us, if not more so.

14) Life Of Brian [Manx]
Making it worse? How can it be worse? Jehovah! Jehovah! Jehovah!

15) Duck Soup [Manx]
Don’t look now, but there’s one man too many in this room, and I think it’s you.

16) Pet Sematary [Jin]
Has anyone ever buried a person up there?

17) Out of the Past [Never Identified!]
I sell gasoline, I make a small profit. With that I buy groceries. The grocer makes a profit. We call it earning a living. You may have heard of it somewhere.

18) The Birds [McGone]
Why are they doing this? They said when you got here the whole thing started. Who are you? What are you? Where did you come from! I think you’re evil. EVIL!

19) Pee Wee’s Big Adventure [Rider]
Is this something you can share with the rest of us, Amazing Larry?

20) Deathtrap [Freida Bee]
What’s the point of owning a mace, if you don’t use it?

Okay, we had a tie for third, so I guess I’ll be doing four doodles.

Rider, SamuraiFrog, Manx and McGone, please give me your doodle suggestions!


For Manx:
The Wal-Mart Smiley Face having intercourse with the McDonald’s golden arches.

For Rider:
Bill Gates, as Amazing Larry, watching the smiley face and golden arches engage in oral.

For SamuraiFrog:
Billy Dee Williams lifting a car over his head.

Quiz For A Doodle

For people who are constantly frustrated at missing out on my 60 second doodle offers because they weren’t the first commenter, you can now be frustrated by a lyrics quiz!

Whoever gets the most correct answers first wins a doodle! It should go without saying that if someone has already guessed the song, it will not be added to your point total (though you can still say you knew it).

I’m looking for song title, artist and optionally whether or not you like the song.

Using search engines is strongly discouraged!

1) Digital Underground – The Humpty Dance [SamuraiFrog]
I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom

2) Belly – Feed The Tree [Evil Evil Genius]
So take your hat off, boy
When you’re talking to me

3) Velvet Underground – Femme Fatale [Bubs]
Here she comes
You better watch your step
She’s going to play you like a fool

4) Led Zeppelin – The Battle Of Evermore [Bubs]
The tyrant’s face is red

5) R.E.M. – Exhuming McCarthy [Bubs]
You’re sharpening stones
Walking on coals
To improve your business acumen

6) Reunion – Life Is A Rock (But The Radio Rolled Me) [Dguzman]
Gotta turn it up louder
So the DJ told me

7) The Smiths – Panic [Evil Evil Genius]
Hang the DJ, hang the DJ, hang the DJ

8) Sonic Youth – Kool Thing [SamuraiFrog]
I’ll be your slave
Give you a shave

9) America – Horse With No Name [SamuraiFrog]
In the desert you can remember your name
‘Cause there aint no one for to give you no pain

10) The Jacksons – State of Shock [SamuraiFrog]
You got me on my knees
Please baby please

11) Ween – Don’t Laugh, I Love You [Cowboy The Cat]
Ernest Hemingway would always be there for me
But now Ernest Hemingway is dead

12) Cole Porter – Anything Goes [Bubs]
When most guys today
That women prize today
Are just silly gigolos

13) Television – Friction [Bubs]
I don’t wanna grow up,
There’s too much contradiction

14) Blondie – Rip Her To Shreds [SamuraiFrog]
She looks like the Sunday comics
She thinks she’s Brenda Starr

15) Lou Reed – Sick Of You [Never Identified!]
And there’s nothing to eat
That don’t carry the stink
Of some human waste dumped in the Nile

16) C.W. McCall – Convoy [SamuraiFrog]
Well we shot the line an’ we went for broke
With a thousand screamin’ trucks
And eleven long-haired friends of Jesus
In a chartreuse microbus

17) Hedgehoppers Anonymous – Good News Week [Never Identified!]
Someone’s found a way to give
The rotting dead a will to live
Go on and never die

18) Queen – Bohemian Rhapsody [SamuraiFrog]
Mama, just killed a man
Put a gun against his head
Pulled my trigger now hes dead

19) TMBG – Snowball In Hell [Evil Evil Genius]
If it wasn’t for disappointment
I wouldn’t have any appointments

20) Cream – Anyone For Tennis [Never Identified!]
And the elephants are dancing
On the graves of squealing mice


Bubs got within arm’s reach, but SamuraiFrog carried the quiz! Just curious, has anyone heard the song “Good News Week”? I thought it was kinda popular, but I had a mixtape with it a long time ago — don’t know if it’s been widely heard. It’s a delightful poppy song that mentions rotting dead! How cool is that?!!

But, I digress. A doodle for the winner, SamuraiFrog: Elvis Presley shedding a single tear.

This post turned out all melancholy, didn’t it? I didn’t predict it, but I respect it.

I kind of like how this all worked out. My next doodle offering will probably center around a movie quote quiz.

See ya next time!