Category Archives: a peek into the exciting life of splotchy

Salt Creek Trail Is UNDER ATTACK!

Gary the Sump Pumping Robot continues to do his job at our house. No seepage has occurred as of yet, despite the miserable rain-logged spring (and now summer!) we have been trudging through.

We were forecast to get around 3 inches of rain last Friday, but ended up getting only about a third of an inch.

However, the wind was freaking strong that night. Recent rains have also added up a bit, at least with regards to the Salt Creek trail that I like riding on.

Here is a small report about nature’s recent attacks on the trail my bike calls home.

A tree fell over the trail. I could not ride under it — I had to get off and walk my bike under it. I am not Fonzie.

Another section of the trail is underwater.

I reached this part of the trail at the same time as an elderly woman. She turned around. I said to her (for some reason), “I’m going to try and ride through it.” I made it a ways forward and soon found myself sloshing in about ten or eleven inches of water. My footsies got all wet, so I turned around and headed back.

I am not Fonzie.

Good Going, Gary!

I got home verrrry late last night from the Cubs game. The game ended early due to some torrential downpours in the eighth inning. After several beers and a tequila shot at a neighborhood drinking establishment, I took two train rides and a long walk back home.

After I finally arrived, I peeked out the window and saw standing water right next to our back door. I turned on the basement light at the top of the stairs to see if I could see any water trickling about, and happily didn’t notice any. I wasn’t about to go down there and start dealing with any seepage in my tired, drunken state.

The next day I am happy to report none of the water that was pooled outside made it onto our basement floor.

Good going, Gary!

You Know Things Are Bad When I Miss An Unconnected Tuesday

Hi folks,

It’s been pretty crazy goings-on at the Splotchy house.

We’ve been getting ready for the sump pumpening of our basement, and we’re taking a family vacation tomorrow that we have just started to prepare for, and that’s just half the stuff I can tell you about.

So, this blog will be a little light for the remainder of this week.

However, fear not — I have an idea to keep you entertained here in my absence. Check back later today.