Category Archives: animated

All the GIFs That’s Fit to Animate

I once declared to the abyss of the Internet (Twitter) that the only allowed animated GIFs should be created from ONE source – the music video for Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe’s “Long, Lost Brother of Mine”.

Let me tell you, friends. No one was moved. No one listened.

But you know what? I didn’t care. I don’t care. Here are some GIFs from the video.

Sprinkle these around the Internet, on social media, on your grandpa’s iPad.

Smash the animated gifearchy.


Someone said something annoyingly paranoid and fear-mongering on the trash fire that is X aka Twitter and I thought, I’ll reply with an appropriate GIF. But, that appropriate GIF did not exist, at least to my knowledge.

So, I created it. It’s from The Ninth Gate, the same movie where I last posted a GIF from back in January.

I can’t locate the aforementioned idiot so currently have no place to post this GIF, but if you happen to stumble upon any online dweeb trying to whip up a panic, please feel free to use this.

UPDATE: Found the dipshit.

28 Likes, 1.2K comments. That is a BRUTAL ratio.

Salt Creek, Animated

I didn’t realize it, but my soul really needed a bike ride through the woods today.  Thanks, Salt Creek.

Salt Creek #1
Salt Creek #1


Salt Creek #2
Salt Creek #2


Note:  While I was making the above animated GIFs and writing this post, I was listening to, God help me, Carly Rae Jepsen’s “Call Me Maybe”.