Category Archives: birthdays


My twins turn 9 tomorrow. I got them two presents each. I hope they like them. They aren’t fancy, or big, or expensive, or anything.

This is their first birthday after my divorce. I don’t know what it’s like growing up with divorced parents. I don’t have any idea.

I know people can turn out great growing up in divorced households. I know that what’s important is being a loving parent, and giving your kids love, and giving them a safe and happy environment. You don’t need to tell me that.

I don’t want to be married to the person whom I was married to for 10 years (Fun fact: 10th anniversary happened 6 days before the divorce was final). I don’t want her back, ever. She did awful things to me; things I can’t forget.

But, here’s this. I wish I could have given my kids a mom and dad to grow up with. I wish I could have given them that. I wish, I wish, I wish.

Happy birthday, kids. I love you so much.

Happy Birthday, Queen Elvis

Thanks to the sharing of knowledge by Bubs, I am able to celebrate Elvis Presley’s birthday in a timely fashion.

So, here is Robyn Hitchcock performing on the old Letterman show — he’s playing the wonderful song “Madonna of the Wasps” off his album Queen Elvis.

Yes, I’m stretching a bit, but it’s a great song.

I do also have a genuine Elvis post which you may enjoy reading.

Happy Birthday, Elvis!

Let’s Be Optimistic

It’s a new year! It’s my birthday!

It snowed a couple inches last night.

I got back from a walk to our neighborhood gas station this morning with a cup of coffee for MizSplotchy and a half gallon of milk. I retrieved the camera from inside the house so I could take a picture of our pretty, snowy street.

As I walked back outside I heard geese honking. I pointed up and took a quick picture.

(Click pic for bigger image)

And then, a picture of our street.

I’m optimistic about this year. I get optimistic with every new year, and every birthday.

I hope you’re optimistic too.

Happy 2008.

Hi From A Pre-Dawn San Diego

Hello. I am in California.

It is dark.

I am waiting for everyone to wake up.

We’re here for MizSplotchy’s brother’s 40th B-day.

Since he now knows we’re here (it was a surprise) I can finally announce my whereabouts.

Probably not a lotta posts over the next few days, but I’m sure I’ll write about my experiences ad nauseum when we return.

If anyone wants to recommend any sites in the San Diego area that we absolutely have to see, please leave a comment.
