I don’t know anyone who likes to step in dogshit. I don’t.
I stepped in dogshit in a post I have since deleted. It was a post about Drake and how I thought I didn’t like him but I also didn’t know any of his music.
What kind of dogshit post is that? I guess I could have kept it up. I think of blogs, or online journals, etc., as a carefully-curated stream of thought and opinion by the author. It’s a stream of thought that would rarely venture stepping into dogshit.
So I deleted my dumb post because it showed me just out of my depth, wondering why people liked something a lot that I was not familiar with while simultaneously making absolutely no effort to explore that thing before posting something on the Internet about it. Is Drake even something people care about that much at this point, anyways? After I posted I took a look at Spotify and listened to one of his higher-rated albums. It was from 2013, fer cryin’ out loud.
I don’t like making spelling errors, I don’t like looking like a stupid idiot, I don’t like showing parts of me that I don’t intend to show. I think I’m smart, but I’m not all that smart, either. I am also ignorant about a lot of stuff. Maybe this dumb detour will just make me think a little harder before I share something, or give me pause when I start talking out of my butt.
Here’s a pic I made for the first post. I still think it’s kind of funny. It’s a variation on Drakeposting – the guy in the bottom right is Nick Drake.