Category Archives: blogging about blogging


Okay, one last test. Though I am not promising this is my last test.

I predict that if there is only one word in a post title and it’s a normally omitted word, it will be used in the HTML filename regardless.

I imagine they have some extra little bit of logic in the Blogger code to handle this situation.


Interesting! They actually don’t keep the omitted word, but substituted a generic “blog-post.html” as the HTML filename.

I imagine no one reading these test posts think they are remotely interesting, but I’m all geekily proud of myself. Good job, L’il Splotchy!

The The The The The

Hi, I’m just testing something here.

I don’t know if you notice this kinda stuff, but I do.

If you have “Enable Post Pages” set to Yes on the Archive section of your blog settings, each post you create actually results in the creation of a separate webpage.

The name of the webpage filename will be some form of what the title of your post is.

For example, for my Negative Space Signage Update post, the name of its HTML page is “negative-space-signage-update.html”.

There are rules which cause deviations from this naming convention. For example, if your post title is really long, your HTML filename will just use the first handful of words (if I am bored at some point, maybe I’ll figure out the length where the cutoff occurs). If your post title has punctuation, the punctuation is omitted from the HTML filename.

I have also noticed some common words (“a”, “an”, “the”) are omitted as well. For example, Here Come The Birds becomes “here-come-birds.html”.

Which brings us to this post. What if I have a post that only consists of words that are normally omitted?

I don’t know what’s going to happen.

So, I publish this, and hope Blogger doesn’t break. Although it would be kinda cool if I broke Blogger.


Crazy… The title of the webpage of this post is “the-the.html”.

I’m wondering if the first “The” is disregarded, then it takes whatever follows the “The” as a word for the post title.

Something like this

The The The The The

Oh you can bet I’ll be testing this some more. More excitement to follow!

Please Remember, As There Is A Good Chance I Will Forget

Eleven more days and I’ll be hitting my first year anniversary of blogging, which all started out with a post on two of my favorite topics — zombies and shopping.

Okay, I lied. I don’t really like shopping at all.

Anyways, if March 29th rolls around and you think of it, poke me in the stomach and remind me it’s been a freakin’ year.


P.S. It is not appropriate to congratulate me on a blogyear of activity on this post. You’re just going to have to set aside a portion of your brain to remember the date, and remind/congratulate me when it finally rolls around.

A Live-Blogging Challenge

Here’s a live-blogging challenge to my blogger friends.

Complete any of the following tasks and you have my respect.
Complete them all and you have my undying devotion.

If it’s not obvious, only by posting the results of live-blogging on your own site will a task be deemed fully completed.

The Tasks
1) Live blog sitting in a bus station for an hour (you are not going anywhere, you’re simply sitting in a bus station)
2) Live blog your next haircut
3) Live blog while getting your oil changed
4) Live blog while doing a crossword puzzle
5) Live blog from a mall food court during lunch hour
6) Live blog from a laundromat (it’s okay to do your laundry while live-blogging)
7) Fried chicken live-blogging
8) Live blog while sitting in traffic (be careful with this one!)
9) Live blog while watching Home Alone 2 with the sound off, playing Pink Floyd’s Dark Side Of The Moon
10) Live blog the thirty minutes immediately following your reading of this post

Wonder Blogroll Powers, Activate!

Form of…. A POST!

A Salute To Some Stuff
A Sunny Thought
Bad Tempered Zombie
beginning to bird
Bells On
Blowing Sh*t Up With Gas
Coaster Punchman’s World
Cup of Coffey
Dead Spot On The Web
Dear Bastards…
distributorcap NY
Electronic Cerebrectomy
Everything’s Swirling
Freida Bee
Grant Miller Media
Here Comes Johnny Yen Again…
I Was Just Wondering
Impeachment And Other Dreams
International House of Blogcakes
jintrinsique UNPLUGGED
Joe’s Movie Corner
Jon The Integalactic Gladiator
L’ennui mélodieux
Lotsa ‘Splainin’ 2 Do
Mock, Paper, Scissors
Monkey Muck
Nerdy Laundry
No Smoking In The Skull Cave
Passion of the Dale
Peace Corps Volunteer Steve in Romania
Prone To Whimsy
Rider’s Block
Social Zymurgy
Some Guy’s Blog
Sorghum Crow’s General Store
Sprawling Ramshackle Compound
Tenacious S
The Cushy Blog
The Idea Of Progress
the otherwhirled
The Pop Eye
The Simarco Letters
The Urban Recluse
The Woodring Monitor
Two Minutes In The Box
Various Ecstasies
What I Like About The Universe
When Will I Use This?
Who’s In Charge Here?
Wyld’s Q & A
Zaius Naton

UPDATE! shape of… newly-added blogs!

the ultra-mundane
Things That Make You Say ‘WTF?’
The Hidden Agenda of Cowboy the Cat

This Is The "Go To" Place For Images Of Lipstick

From reading my site usage statistics, it appears I have had a lot of random visitors come to this blog in the last couple weeks via a Google image search for lipstick. The ordering of my image will probably change over time, but it currently is third in the search results.

People clicking through the image to my blog are landing on a particular Unconnected Tuesdays post.

The strange thing is that people finding my website in this manner will usually spend a few minutes on the post, perhaps trying to find a connection between my lipstick picture and the prawn.

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all lipstick visitors and indicate to you that, as far as I know, there is no connection between lipstick and prawns.

