Category Archives: blogging about blogging

The Majority Of My Blog Has Collapsed Into A Single Line, The Future Of My Blog Is Uncertain

To people who have been blogging across multiple calendar years, moving into 2008 was probably not that big a deal.

But to me, someone who just started blogging in 2007, suddenly all the posts I have completed thus far have all been folded into a single “2007” line on my sidebar. I’m experiencing the same feeling I would get when I would enter a new month of blogging and leave the previous month collapsed, except for some reason this time the feeling is around twelve times as strong. There is probably a way of configuring my blog so everything isn’t collapsed, but don’t worry — I have resigned myself to this collapsosity already.

My doodling days might be behind me. A long time ago it stopped being about the doodle — now it’s more about the drugs and the sex and the booze. Where did it all go wrong? Enjoy your doodle, Dale. It may be the last doodle I doodily-do.

MizSplotchy got us a subscription to Netflix for Christmas. With a constant influx of awesome movies, will I still brave the urban jungle of LaGrange for my Two Buck Schmuck feature?

The iSplotchy campaign has stalled. I have a reasonably clever idea on how to steal GKL from the clutches of her running mate Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein, but I am so bad and lazy at Photoshop that it likely won’t ever happen. And if it doesn’t happen, that’s pretty much it for the iSplotchy. Paging, Dr. Zaius!

Here are some things I would like to get done in 2008, which may or may not be interesting to readers of this blog:

  • Complete some music for the soundtrack of a short film for my NOLA traveling buddy Andy
  • Start and finish a 15 minute short film from a script I have written
  • Start or join a rock ‘n roll band and play a couple gigs
  • An incredibly cool themed week on this blog that I don’t want to give any hints as to what it is, because it will be difficult to pull off, but boy if I do, it’s going to rock your freaking socks off

Assuming I get it off the ground, the short film will take up a huge chunk of my time for the year. Right now the film seems more of a dream than a reality, but by declaring an intent on this blog to do something has so far helped me with my follow through, so here’s hoping it does the same for me here.

I would appreciate that no calamitous events occur which completely derail my plans. Not so much that I don’t like a curveball thrown my direction every once in a while, it’s just that I’m not particularly fond of calamitous events.

Besides my goals for 2008, I’ll probably continue to share assorted bits from my life. For example, at an activity room in the Illinois State Museum over this past weekend, my daughter was looking at things through a magnifying glass. I asked her, “How does that look through the magnifying glass?” to which she replied, “Bigger.”

Yours in hopeful uncertainty,


This Blog Now Open To Bloggers From Other Universes

I have had anonymous commenting turned off for quite a while, mostly due to some jerk leaving a comment that had some crappy JavaScript which would cause a person’s browser to redirect.

So, for the longest time only people with Blogger accounts have had the ability to leave comments here.

Blogger has just instituted a feature by which non-Blogger accounts (LiveJournal, WordPress, etc.) can also leave comments, and I have incorporated this feature on both this blog and Who’s In Charge Here.

More details about how to do this for your own blog here.

I Wonder What A Google Server Error Looks Like Rendered In My Chosen Blogger Template

Hi kids,

If you use the “Rounders 3” template for your blog, you surely have wondered aloud the following:

“Boy, I wonder what it looks like when someone attempts to read my blog and encounters some kind of fatal error — fatal enough to serve up a generic ‘Google error’ page, but somehow still incorporating the stylesheet colors of my chosen blogger template.”

Well this is your lucky day, person with strange, boring flights of fancy!

Below, witness a pretty Google error page I ran into today while browsing my blog.

You’re welcome!

Word Verification Text And What It Will Trigger In Me

There are many annoying bloggers (yes, I am talking about you) who have “Word Verification” turned on for readers who wish to leave comments. It’s basically some wavy text that the typist has to read and then must type in addition to leaving their comment, perhaps to prove they aren’t just creating text by accidentally sitting on the keyboard while expelling gas.

Oh, sure, we try to make light of this allegedly positive feature that takes several seconds of our lives as we try to communicate our comments to you. For example, sometimes in the comment itself we leave:

“My Word Verification was ‘yodelqr’!”

Make no mistake, this cheeriness is superficial — we are not happy.

Many weeks ago, I made the decision to do away with Word Verification on my own blog, in solidarity with Coaster Punchman.

Still, you Word Verification wackos haven’t gotten the message. In addition to this, I have recently noticed that the amount of Word Verification letters I am required to enter on some of your posts is reaching the double-digits.

So, here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to add the possible threat of physical violence to the equation.

By continuing to have-

1. Word Verification turned on
2. A post I feel compelled to comment on

-you will be held accountable for your actions.

On the off chance I get one of the series of letters below as my Word Verification text, you will be consenting to the consequences outlined.

Word Verification I Get – What You Get

Yahweh – Kick in the groin
Snurp – Punch in the mouth
Oopah – Scalded with flaming cheese
Yapple – A bag of oranges to the stomach
Whammy – You have to watch gameshows until your eyes bleed
Pumnotl – A stern look
Uuuuuuh – A boxing of the ears
Fluffy – Nothing [I wouldn’t mind this word]
Ruqponbop – Pubic hair pulling
Kickme – See Yahweh

If You’re Having Difficulty Logging Into Your Blog

The last couple days I have had difficulty logging into Blogger.

It just hangs and hangs. I eventually get in, but not after minutes of waiting for the page to load.

It looks like the main problem is with the site “”. Blogger is attempting to reach that server and you’re stuck waiting until it establishes contact and retrieves the files it needs to. It’s sort of silly that this analytics site is the source of the problem, as it, along with Blogger, is owned by Google.

I got tired of this long wait and did a little trick to prevent the browser from going to the site. I threw the following line into my Windows hosts file:

More info here if you like. Be warned that there is a fair amount of paranoia in the post and its comments. If you’re not aware, Google Analytics is used for tracking visitors, similar to the popular blogger widget, SiteMeter.

I can try to answer questions you might have, but the link I provided is relatively thorough.

Of course, I check it just now and everything is working perfectly. DAMN YOU GOOGLE!

Vanity Plates of the 21st Century

Shortly out of film school, I was working as an electrician on a movie that was being shot in my hometown of Springfield, Illinois. Most of the crew was from Los Angeles. I struck up a friendship with one of the electricians from L.A.

I don’t believe he had ever spent a great deal of time in the Midwest. One of his observations was the abundance of vanity plates.

The first license plate I had was a vanity plate. No, it wasn’t my name, nor was it “Splotchy” or any derivation thereof. It was a common word that I just happened to be fond of at the time. Guess what the word was if you care to (hint: it foreshadowed my career in computer programming).

Currently I read a variety of people’s blogs, and a variety of people read mine. To the best of my knowledge, the blogs I read are in the Midwest, with a few on the east coast.

Blogs seem to have a tendency to clump together, aligning themselves along lines of similar interests, political beliefs, etc. I imagine geographic region also plays a part in this interblog stickiness as well. Still, I find it curious that that in the months I have been relatively active in the blogosphere, to my knowledge I haven’t come across any west coast bloggers.

Is there a connection between the perceived prevalence of Midwestern vanity plates to a visiting Californian, and my perception of the overwhelming number of blogs in the Midwest region?

Vanity plates are essentially a very tiny expression of one’s identity, set adrift in the “autosphere” of anonymous license plates. Blogs to me in some ways seem to be a very elaborate vanity plate.

So how many of you bloggers have vanity plates on your automobile?

This Is Probably The Only Post Where I Will Use Strikethrough

I have witnessed a phenomenon on websites, predominantly blogs, where the writer will employ the use of strikethrough.

I am wheezily infuriatedpuzzled by its use.

When I was going through school, we were nearing the end of the dominance of Satan’s pianotypewriters. It was never acceptable to do a strikethrough on a paper you intended to hand in. You needed the magic of Wite-Out.

I later had a temp job where I had to use a pain-in-the-ass piece-o’-shittypewriter to fill out some forms that had triplicate copies in lovely colors, separated by carbon paper. There too, it was not acceptable to use strikethrough. I actually would use correction fluid — I had a color for each copy of the form.

So, why are people using strikethrough? Do they feel you, as their loyal and faithful reader, should wade through their sloppy prose? Where do they get their ballsnads (sorry, CP!), anyway?

Are they trying to be annoyingfunny?


Bringing People Together

I always keep an eye as to what brings people to my site — I’m just pathetic that way, I guess.

Lately there have been so many fun ways people have stumbled here through their perverted, amoral searches that I just thought I’d share them.

“rasputina drummer gay”
“boys town transvstite”
“ass bubs”
“what does a whale poop look like”

And this is my current favorite:
“laverne shirley chunky seater”

Mmmm… chunky seater.

Reliving The Nightmare Of Fractions

Hey, I like commenting on other people’s blogs. If that makes me a schmoozer, I guess I am schmoozer.

I have been bestowed a lovely “Schmooze” award by two esteemed bloggers — Doctor Monkey Von Monkerstein and SamuraiFrog.

Unfortunately, there is a catch.

Apparently the strict, brutally-enforced rules of the Schmooze award specify that only five awards may be given in an Official Schmooze Award Ceremony ™.

In both cases of my schmooziness recognition, I was given a “partial schmooze” award (which is actually illegal in several states, I believe). The good doctor gave me 1/3 of an award (sharing with two other people), while The Frog gave me 1/2 of an award (shared with the incomparable Johnny Yen).


1/2 + 1/3 = ?

(1/2 * 3/3) + (1/3 * 2/2) = ?

3/6 + 2/6 = ?

The answer is 5/6.

I am a 5/6 schmoozer.

Seeing that I am not a full-blown schmoozer, I will bestow five awards upon other bloggers, but they will unfortunately be “partial schmooze” awards. I’m sorry. That’s all I can do. If I tried to give you a full schmooze award, my life would be forfeit.

1. kristi receives 4/7 of a schmooze award because she has more than once dropped a wittily-punned comment here that just bounced off my dullard skull.

2. It might be tacky to award an award to an awardee that was an awarder that awarded an award to me, but I have to throw 1/19 of a schmooze award to Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein, who by his comments here seems to think I am occasionally funny.

3. I have to throw some schmooze love out to Johnny Yen. Unfortunately, I can only give Mr. Yen 1/4 of a schmooze award. Please correct me if I am wrong, but with the 1/2 of an award given to him by SamuraiFrog and this 1/4 award from me, his total schmooze adds up to a 3/4 partial schmooze. If my calculations are correct, this is a mere 1/12 less than my current schmoozosity.

4. Bubs, you totally get 2/0 of a schmooze sailing out your way. I treasure each comment you drop here, but seeing as you already got a complete schmooze award from Doctor Von Monkerstein, I feel like I can give you a fraction that will break a calculator.

5. Lastly, I must give each of the following bloggers 1/423 of a schmooze award:

To anyone not mentioned above, I HATE YOU WITH ALL OF MY HEART.

No, seriously, it’s really a warm feeling when someone leaves any kind of comment. If you ever have left a comment (and it wasn’t an advertisement for an exciting new widget for my blog), have the knowledge you brought a smile to my pustule-covered, hideously-disfigured face.

