Category Archives: domains of the world

What’s Going On In .nl?

Let’s visit with another domain name extension. This time we’ll be visiting the pages of the Netherlands (.nl).

I’m going to be linking to pages that are in the English language. Please realize that whatever I’m reading might be tailored for an English-reading audience.

So what’s going on in the Netherlands?


Peace Palace Library, home of International Law

Frequently Asked Questions About The Dutch Drugs Policy (Openbaar Ministerie – Public Prosecution Service)

Unique Defence Contract with US (Dutch News in English — 02/12/2008)

One in Seven Children Aged below 12 Commit Crime (Dutch News in English — 04/11/2008) (Central access point to all information about government organisations of the Netherlands)

If you want to do your own searching of the .nl domain, you can use Google to enter your search criteria, adding the text

For example, here’s a search for Splotchy:

What’s Going On In .cu?

Hey, let’s visit with another domain name extension. This time we’ll be visiting the pages of Cuba (.cu).

I’m going to be linking to pages that are in the English language. Please realize that whatever I’m reading might be tailored for an English-reading audience. If I wasn’t estúpido I would speak Spanish and be able to read a lot more pages in their domain.

Oh well. Soy estúpido.

One thing I noticed about Cuban webpages is that they were quite slow to load. I’m not sure for the reason of this. If anyone not in the US wants to try and visit some Cuban pages, let me know if it’s any faster, wouldja?

So what’s on Cuban websites?


Frequently Asked Questions about the cuban radio (Portal of the Cuban Radio in the Internet)

179 countries vote against the blockade at the UN (Cuba vs Blockade)

Discuba Home Page. Cuban Music Shop

Alfredo Guevara will Make his memoirs ( CUBA: News and informations of art and culture-CUBASI.COM — April 3, 2008)

Okay, this last link isn’t in English, but I saw that it was some sort of baseball page. I just thought it was too nifty to not include here. Béisbol Cubano


If you want to do your own searching of the .cu domain, you can use Google to enter your search criteria, adding the text

For example, here’s a search for Splotchy:

What’s Going On In .iq?

Hey, let’s visit with another domain name extension. This time we’ll be visiting the pages of Iraq (.iq).

I’m going to be linking to pages that are in the English language. Please realize that whatever I’m reading might be tailored for an English-reading audience.

One might think that there would be a plethora of Iraqi pages in English, but one would be mistaken.

So what’s on Iraqi websites?


Ministry of Electricity – Rationalization

University of Baghdad working to be active partner at the Proposed Initiative of MIT LINC (University of Baghdad e-Portal — 03/16/2008)

Traffic Martyrs Pictures (Iraq Traffic Police)

Ministry of Trade discusses impediments conveyance the ration card items and make the solutions in front of the council of ministers. (Iraq Ministry of Trade – News)

Iraq Operation unit in Amman (UNHCR – The UN Refugee Agency)


If you want to do your own searching of the .iq domain, you can use Google to enter your search criteria, adding the text

For example, here’s a search for Splotchy:

What’s Going On In .sa?

Hey, let’s visit with another domain name extension. This time we’ll be visiting the pages of Saudia Arabia (.sa).

I’m going to be linking to pages that are in the English language. Please realize that whatever I’m reading might be tailored for an English-reading audience.

So what’s news in Saudi Arabia?


Saudi Customs Foil Smuggling Attempt (Ministry Of Foreign Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia — April 5, 2008)

Three US soldiers killed in Baghdad Green Zone (International Islamic News Agency — April 7, 2008)

141 Filipinos embrace Islam in Saudi Arabia (International Islamic News Agency — April 7, 2008)

Sarkozy “outraged” as Muslim graves again desecrated (Saudi Gazette — April 7, 2008)

Kingdom to observe World Health Day (Saudi Gazette — April 7, 2008)


If you want to do your own searching of the .sa domain, you can use Google to enter your search criteria, adding the text

For example, here’s a search for Splotchy:

What’s Going On In .cn?

Okay, so we had a domain name country quiz.

Now let’s take this week to visit some of the domains in the quiz!

I’m going to be linking to pages that are in the English language, because I’m one of those isolationist Americanos that never learned a second language (I took Hindi for two semesters in college, but unfortunately very little of it stuck).

So, just realize that whatever I’m reading might be tailored for an English-reading audience.

Anyways, what’s going on in China?


Jet Li alters script to suit western viewers (People’s Daily Online — March 10, 2008)

China approves second-phase lunar probe program (People’s Daily Online — March 26, 2008)

Reporters at Lhasa riot condemn distorted media coverage (China Economic Net — March 28, 2008)

Facing high cost of dying in cities (People’s Daily Online — April 2, 2008)

The Official Website of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games


If you want to do your own searching of the .cn domain, you can use Google to enter your search criteria, adding the text This will limit your search to websites within the .cn domain.

For example, here’s a search for Splotchy:

Check out the fourth search result! Woo for SamuraiFrog! Or at least his Technorati page.