Category Archives: elvis


When I first started out as a computer programmer many years ago, there was a guy in my area who was a software consultant. He later became an employee, and later after that he became my boss.

I liked him. He was always kind and funny, and he was a good boss. I don’t remember what prompted him to share, but at some point he told me a story about visiting Graceland as a child.

He has since retired. It had been years since I have spoken with him, but this story kind of haunted me, for lack of a better word. Not haunted in a bad way — it’s a nice story. But, I came back to it. It is a private story, but I wanted to share it, because I thought it was special.

I reached out to his son (who I had also worked with at one point in time) to get in touch. He gave me his dad’s contact info. I emailed my old boss and asked him I could share his story, and mentioned what I had recalled from the time he told me.

He said it was fine to share, but I had some of the details wrong. Here is his story, in his own words. The events described occurred in 1961.

My mom was a Girl Scout leader for my sister’s troop.  They had a trip to Memphis TN and the Presley property was one of their stops.  At the time, I wore a leg brace on my left leg for the polio.  I was about 6 years old.  I wore shorts that day so the brace was very visible. 

We had full availability to the outside areas of the house.  His cars all parked in the back, including the famous pink Cadillac.  My mom and the girls were all doing their exploring and were not paying any attention to me.  I unfortunately had an urge to pee and being young I just walked up to the back door and knocked. 

Elvis answered the door.  I told him I had to pee and I could see him looking me over.  He immediately stepped back from the doorway and invited me in.  He gave me directions to the bathroom and I made a quick dash to find the bathroom.

When I came out I then took in the unusual room.  It was his jungle room where he played piano a lot and entertained his band members.  Elvis was over by the piano and when he saw me coming he made his way over to the door to see me out.  He asked if everything was alright and did I need anything else.  I said no and then thanked him for letting me use the bathroom.  He said goodbye and I returned to the backyard to continue the tour of the grounds.  I did not mention the bathroom incident to anyone until later.  They were all disappointed that they did not have the opportunity to meet Elvis.

That’s it.

Here’s a picture from the jungle room that I took when I visited from Graceland. It was a week or so before Christmas, so they had decorated all the rooms.

Thank you to my boss, his family, and thank you to Elvis.

Merry Christmas.

A Satisfying Frustration of Expectations

I heard “Green Shirt” by Elvis Costello many years after it came out.

I liked it. It had what all of Elvis Costello’s best songs have — good pop hooks and great lyrics.

This one hit slightly different for me, though.

Every time he sings the chorus I’m expecting to end it with a different phrase, but he never sings it. I’m always expecting him to end with “gonna get hurt”.

He NEVER SINGS THIS. Why not? It rhymes with ‘shirt’. Someone who’s “gonna get hurt” seems like the obvious rhyme. “Hurt” is also an obvious choice as it’s the opposite of “please” in the previous line. It would match the rhythm of the previous phrase as well.

Instead of matching the meter of the prior phrase, he short circuits the natural rhythm of the last line and sings “gonna get it”. which ends before the downbeat that punctuates the end of the chorus.

I feel like it’s a deliberate confounding of the listener’s expectations. Can you think any other songs that do this kind of thing — where something that would seem to fit naturally is intentionally swapped out with something different, slightly “off”?

You tease, and you flirt
And you shine all the buttons on your green shirt
You can please yourself but somebody’s gonna get it hurt

You can please yourself but somebody’s gonna get it hurt
You can please yourself but somebody’s gonna get it hurt

Happy Birthday, Queen Elvis

Thanks to the sharing of knowledge by Bubs, I am able to celebrate Elvis Presley’s birthday in a timely fashion.

So, here is Robyn Hitchcock performing on the old Letterman show — he’s playing the wonderful song “Madonna of the Wasps” off his album Queen Elvis.

Yes, I’m stretching a bit, but it’s a great song.

I do also have a genuine Elvis post which you may enjoy reading.

Happy Birthday, Elvis!

TCB in Vegas

That little strip of text doesn’t look like much, but it shows that Bubs has completed a half-marathon in Las Vegas. Keep in mind that his time, which is nothing to slouch at, might be affected by a planned stop to assist marrying people at the five mile mark.

Congrats Bubs!!!